Med. Weter. 40 (4), 193-256, 1984


Blackleg and malignant oedema in fattening cattle in winter Cygan Z. et al. [digitized] 195
Neutrophils and their role in the course of infection of Bovid herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) in cattle Deptuła W. et al. [digitized] 200
Chlamydospores of Trichophyton verrucosum Wawrzkiewicz K. et al. [digitized] 204
Influence of immunization of calves past the veal ear stage with an inactivated suspension of Propionibacterium acnes ... Gos Z. et al. [digitized] 206
Corynebacteriosis of kidneys in trouts in the light of littérature datas and the own studies Gizińska B. et al. [digitized] 209
Comparative studies on the treatment of traumatic reticulitis in cattle Kopczewski A. [digitized] 211
Influence of experimental acidosis on udder function in cows Hejłasz Z. et al. [digitized] 217
Economical effects of piglets dehelminthisation by means of Banminth Grzywiński L. et al. [digitized] 221
Usefulness of Valbazen in the control of sheep momiesiosis Romaniuk K. [digitized] 224
The influence of Haematopinus suis (Linné, 1758) invasion on quality of swine skins Gibasiewicz W. A. et al. [digitized] 226
Biologicial properties of bull's semen in the process of freezing and after thawing Boryczko Z. et al. [digitized] 228
Observations on the prevalence of ithe retention of placenta in cattle from individual farms ... Hebel T. et al. [digitized] 232
An attempt to evaluate the reproductive seasonality of Polish pony mares and heavy ^type mares Wandas A. et al. [digitized] 235
Carsass vield and slaughter value of broilers in the course of industrial fattening stimmulated pharmacologically Neumann J. [digitized] 238
Antibiotic residues in meat of chickens with fodder containing monensin Wojtoń E. et al. [digitized] 240
Some haematological indices and the changeof HbF by HbB in young lambs in the first two months of their life Wiśliński M. et al. [digitized] 242
Seasonal changes in the level of plasmatic glycoproteids in Shetland pony mares Jakubów K. et al. [digitized] 246
Preparation and dosing of a friable catalyzer for burn of samples for the determination of proteins ... Wierciński J. [digitized] 249