Med. Weter. 54 (8), 505-576, 1998
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) as a marker of neoplasms in humans and in animals Jagielski D., Lechowski R., Kluciński W., Hoffmann-Jagielska M. [digitized] 507
Birds as a potential source of human infection by Campylobacter sp. Rzedzicki J., Kołodziejczyk A. [digitized] 511
Influence of (3-adrenergic stimulation on the function of the cow reproductive tract during estrus and pregnancy Kotwica J., Miszkiel G. [digitized] 523
Current state and principles of the Aujeszky disease control in the European Community and in Poland Lipowski A. [digitized] 530
Baypamun in the treatment of clinical upper respiratory tract infections in dogs Winiarczyk S., Pomorski Z., et al. [digitized] 533
European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) as a reservoir of Herpesvirus suis 1 Szweda W., Lipowski A., Ciecierski H., Zalewski K., Pints T. [digitized] 541
The influence of some factors on pregnancy results in recipient heifers of fresh embryos Znaniecki R., Jaśkowski J. M., Znaniecka E. [digitized] 550
The concentration of nitrozamines in pasteurized beef ham as influenced by heat treatment and functional additives Rywotycki R. [digitized] 554
The influence of the animal turnover and slaughter on the level of Cortisol in the lambs Sowińska J., Brzostowski H., Tański Z. [digitized] 559
Influence of mercury on the activation of amino acids in rats liver Truchliński J., Pasternak K. [digitized] 561