Med. Weter. 53 (2), 65-124, 1997
Properties, mechanisms of action and pathogenic role of a-toxin C. perfringens Cygan Z. [digitized] 73
Viral infections as a cause of diminished fertility of Polish herds of sows Pejsak Z. [digitized] 77
Emirsajlow-Zalewska W., Czernomysy-Furowicz D. Mechanisms of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infections with special attention to the invasive process Furowicz A. J., [digitized] 81
Hypothyroidism in dogs - aetiology, pathogenesis and clinical signs Schollenberger A., Sternicka J., Degorski A., Lechowski R. [digitized] 86
An attempt to apply an ELISA test to the diagnostics of brucellosis in people Stojek N. [digitized] 93
Use of X-microanalysis to detect shell injuries of eggs from hens with swollen head syndrome Malec H. [digitized] 95
Ultrasonography as a diagnostic method of injuries of tendons in horses Modrakowski A., Siembieda J. [digitized] 99
The effect of orally applied calcium chloride on the course of experimental hypocalcemia in cows Kondracki M., Bednarek D., Albrycht A. [digitized] 102
The level of fatty acids in pig livers infested with Taenia hydatigena and Echinococcus granulosus Michalski M. M. [digitized] 106
The use of biochemical analyzer Kodak Ektachem DT 60 system in laboratory diagnostics in horses Krumrych W., Danek J. [digitized] 109