Med. Weter. 52 (3), 137-204, 1996


Nutrition, productivity and health of animals Barej W. [digitized] 139
Ostrich - a breeding animal Prost E. K. [digitized] 144
Cattle enterotoxaemia Cygan Z. [digitized] 147
Housing conditions of ornamental birds Kummerfeld N. [digitized] 150
Acute phase proteins in animals - prevalence and characteristics Kostro K., Sobieska M., Wiktorowicz K., Wołoszyn S. [digitized] 152
Osteochondrosis and tibial dyschondroplasy In chickens, pigs and foals Śliwa E., Radzki R. P., Puzio I. [digitized] 156
Fumonisins chemical characteristics, biological activity and importance Wiśniewska-Dmytrow H., Kozak A., Żmudzki J. [digitized] 159
Mercury pollution of food products of animal origin in Poland Szprengier-Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 163
False positive and false negative results in the determination of antibiotic residues Różańska H. [digitized] 167
Rabies of animals in Poland Lis H . [digitized] 170
Osteosynthesis of the first phalanx fractures in horses by means of lag screws Bereznowski A., Janicki A. M., Sterna J. [digitized] 173
Rapid diagnosis of CPV-2 infections in dogs Hułas C, Anusz K., Leśniewski S. F., Dobrzyński A. [digitized] 175
Antibodies against parvovirus in breeding foxes and minks in Poland Mizak B ., Górski J. [digitized] 177
N-acetyl-(3-D-glucosaminidase as an indicator of udder health MaIinowski E., Lassa H., Kłossowska A. [digitized] 180
Influence of arginino-vasopressin and dexamethasone on the level of ACTH and Cortisol in the serum of calves during early postnatal life Friedrich M. [digitized] 182
The evaluation of the efficacy of some methods of estrus synchronization and ovulation stimulation apart from the reproduction period Mielniczuk M., Boryczko Z., Udała J., Witkowski M. [digitized] 185
The influence of Biogen and Microferm-fer préparâtes on piglets breeding effects Rekiel A., Więcek J. [digitized] 187
The role of Campylobacter sp. in the pathology of poultry. IV. Serological diagnosis of Campylobacter infections in poultry Wie1iczko A . [digitized] 191
The usage of Propranolol in the treatment of purulent endometritis in postpartum cows Ingarden J., Raułuszkiewicz S., Balcerek R., Niżański W. [digitized] 197
Effect of adrenergic drugs on the sexual reflexes and sperm properties of bulls Dubiel A., Jasiński P. [digitized] 199