Med. Weter. 48 (6), 241-288, 1992


Reading of veterinary periodicals— efficient means for increasing of professional qualifications Larski Z. [digitized] 243
Polish veterinary regulations published in 1991 Lutyński W., Malinowska T. [digitized] 246
The influenca of nutrition on immunity of animals Rzedzicki J., Kowalska M. [digitized] 249
Effects of Monensin and Tiamulin administered separately or simultaneously to pregnant hamsters and rats Juszkiewicz T., Minta M., Włodarczyk B.,
Biernacki B.
[digitized] 252
Resistance of Eimeria tenella coccidia to coccidiostatics used in the poultry breeding Ziomko I., Kuczyńska E., Cencek T. [digitized] 255
Changes in the pathomorfological pattern and gastrointestinal microflora of piglets fed HC1 — treated fodder during weaning period Rotkiewicz T.,
Rotkiewicz Z., Przała F.
[digitized] 257
A case of cerebrocortical necrosis in lambs Kubiński T., Barcz I. [digitized] 260
A case of lymphatic leukaemia in pigs Kotowski K, Różycka M. [digitized] 261
Attempts to control enzootic swine pneumonia using disinfectants and Linco-Spectin 100 in aercsols in fattening piggeries . Pieniążek J.,
Kita J.
[digitized] 266
Specific antibodies in sera of rabbits against lagomorphs disease virus Wawrzkiewicz J., Majer-Dziedzic B. [digitized] 268
Morphological changes in tissues of aborted fetuses infected spontaneously with Equine arteritis virus Michalska Z., Golnik W. [digitized] 270
The effect of ejaculation frequency on semen quality and th2 mechanism protecting ram reproductive system against proteolysis Borkowski K,
Torska J., Strzeżek J.
[digitized] 272
Unspecific and specific immunity of bulls infected naturally by the Bovid herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) Deptuła W. [digitized] 276
Utilization of fishery wastes for the production of peptones for microbiological purposes Skorupa K, Sikorski Z. E. [digitized] 279