Med. Weter. 44 (10), 577-640, 1988


Lymphotropic lentiviruses of animals Larski Z. [digitized] 579
Microbiological purity of veterinary drugs administered per os Najer A. et al. [digitized] 584
Bovine leukaemia virus irrfections in adult cattle Łosieczka K. et al. [digitized] 590
Actinobacillus pleuropneumonias as a causative agent of swine pleuropneumonia Molenda J. [digitized] 592
A trial to increase an antibiotic resistance of Lactobacillus acidophilus Czarnocka-Roczniakowa B. et al. [digitized] 596
Studies on the effect of aketamin Komar E. [digitized] 600
Structural changes of arterial musculature in the course of atheromatosis Ledwożyw A. et al. [digitized] 604
The influence of calcium chloride applied intravenously on the course of hypocalcaemia in dogs devoid Lenarcik M. [digitized] 608
Mastitis in heifers in a large scale breeding Kotowski K. [digitized] 610
Biolent-forte-Biowet in the treatment of MMA syndrome in sows Przydryga M. [digitized] 613
Behaviour of piglets in a post-parturient period Mardarowicz L. [digitized] 615
Toxicity of xylamites for bulls. II. Variability of selected indices of the semen quality Wrona Z. et al. [digitized] 619
Abortions in mares vaccinated with „Resequin F" vaccine Babiński J. [digitized] 622
Manganese, copper zinc and iron in muscal, livers and kindeys of cattle from some provinces of northern Poland Falandysz J. et al. [digitized] 623
Basic composition of proventriculi and abomasum in cattle Szkucik K. [digitized] 627
Clostridium pasteurianum in a canned pork ham Kwiatek K. et al. [digitized] 629
Chemical composition of livers of fattening pigs fed fodder containing rapessed mash double improved Grela E. [digitized] 632
The infulence of hydrocortisone on the volume of extracellular liquid in calves Janus K. et al. [digitized] 635