Med. Weter. 40 (10), 577-640, 1984


The role of Trichophyton equinum in ringworm in horses and its biological properties Wołoszyn S., Kostro K. [digitized] 579
Some epizootiological problems at 60 anniversary of the creation of the Office International des Epizooties Lis H. [digitized] 583
Further studies of the 10% antlrabic vaccine „Rabiesvae" Baczyński Z., Skulmowska-Kryszkowska D., Matusiewicz J., Kozaczyński W. [digitized] 586
Specific prophylaxy in decreasing of losses caused by atrophic rhinitis of swine. II. Field studies Rudy A., Pejsak Z., Pięknik K., Tarasiuk K. [digitized] 590
Enzoothy of purulent and necrotic inflammation of tail in fattening cattle in a large scale farm . Buczek J., Deptuła W., Deptuła D. [digitized] 592
Clinical consequences of unproper application of silages in cattle nutrition . . Kwiatkowski T., Preś J. [digitized] 596
The effect of piglets separation on the content of mineral compounds and acitivity of enzymes Gajęcki M., Przała F., Zduńczyk E., Bukała T.,
Rodziewicz EL, Miłosz Z.
[digitized] 600
Zoohygienic and biological basis of incubation of hen's eggs . Borzemska W., Janowski T. [digitized] 603
Remarks on the relation of relative density of colostrum from the age of examined cows Balbierz H., Kuchar L. [digitized] 608
Studies on the level of serum immunoglobulins in new born calves in a large scale breeding Zieliński J. [digitized] 610
The influence of the addition of ammonia treated barley grains to LSM fodder on certain physiological parameters of blood serum of rats
Chichlowska J., Perz K.
[digitized] 613
The value of a cowshed documentation on the appraisal of exploitation of dairy cows in a large scale breednig . Kłossowska A., Lesiak M.,
Polkowski K., Wiśniowski J.
[digitized] 616
The season of year and biological properties of preserved boar's semen Sławeta R., Strzeżek J. [digitized] 619
Relationship between the rate of retained placenta and the level of magnesium in sera of cows Gibasiewicz W. A. [digitized] 622
The influence of storage conditions on solubility of proteins of meat recovered mechanically from chickens Mroczek J., Słowiński M., Rosa A. [digitized] 623
The influence of Streptococcus faecium on thermoresistance of Staphylococcus aureus in milk Radkowski M. [digitized] 626
628 Rotenberg S. Transfer of Fe in animals role, content, demand and absorption — review of literature [digitized] 628
631 Wyżnikiewicz-Nawracała A. Physiological and biochemical findings following training of horses [digitized] 631