Med. Weter. 35 (11), 641-704, 1979
The influence of cooking and pickling on mercury retention in meat Kossakowski S., Szykula R. [digitized] 643
Studies of disinfective activity of Sterinol in relation to Staphylococcus aureus Maleszewski J., Wittlin E., Tarkowski J. A. [digitized] 645
Cases of a high intensivity of invasion of cysticerosis in cattle Czerniak E., Kaczmarczyk R. [digitized] 652
Genetic resistance of animals against certain infectious diseases. Part IV. Selection indices Bassa1ik-Chabielska L., Ryniewicz Z. H. [digitized] 653
Scientific ground of the control of biopreparates applied in the combat of infectious diseases of animals Truszczyński M. [digitized] 657
Serotypes of hemolytic E. coli strains isolated from piglets in the years 1971—1976 Polityńska-Banaś E., Ciosek D., Dziąba A. [digitized] 662
Preliminary results of the treatment of swine dysentery by the use of a new preparate Dynamutlin Janowski H., Bieszke R., Siemionek J. [digitized] 665
Radiologic diagnosis of infectious obliterative inflammation of the nose in pigs Tratwal Z. [digitized] 667
The influence of devermination of pigs in fattening farms on the increase in body weight and the dynamics of invasion Ziomko I. [digitized] 670
The influence of hen house microclimate on pathological phenomena in embriogenesis of hens Borzemska W., Janowski T., Niedziółka J. [digitized] 674
Keratoconjunctivitis in hens due to an increased content of ammonia in the air of hen house Houszka M., Mazurkiewicz M. [digitized] 677
Direct estimation of lymphocyte count by means of phase-contrast microscope in the diagnosis of bovine leukosis Machoy H.,
Grundboeck M. [digitized] 680
Grundboeck M. [digitized] 680
Detection of early embryonic and foetal mortality by means of measurements of plasma progesterone in pigs Bielański A., Jodko Z. [digitized] 683
Changes of plasmatic protein fractions, total protein and sedimentation rate in the course of pregnancy in polar vixens Stanisławska B. [digitized] 686