Med. Weter. 32 (3), 129-192, 1976
Urea in the industrial fodders and its quantitative determination Szebiotko K., Grześkowiak Z., Piasecki M., Polak M. [digitized] 136
Biological value of rapessed mash in the feeding of ruminants Mazurczak J., Konecka A., Kryński A. [digitized] 142
Investigations on the application of enzymes to fodders for poultry Króliczek A., Szopa L., Kwiatkowski T. [digitized] 145
Slaughter as a means of a control of infectious diseases of animals in the light of control measures Lutyński W. [digitized] 148
Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis in calves Pilaszek J., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 152
Studies on the etiology of „enteritis ulcerativa" in slaughtered chickens Cygan Z., Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 157
Mechanism of the development of infectious inflammation of the synovial membrane in horses in the case of perforative wounds
Lipińska M. [digitized] 159
Lipińska M. [digitized] 159
X-rays picture of bone putrefaction in the dog in the light of own cases . . . Blenau B. [digitized] 162
The activity of some nitrofurans in honey and honey bee fed sugar syrup Gliński Z., Kowalska M. [digitized] 164
A trial of biométrie determination of pheromones production in pigs Bernacki Z., Hoppe R. [digitized] 168
Clostridia in meat and internal organs of pigs slaughtered of necessity Służewski R. [digitized] 174
Optimalization of isolation methods of microorganisms from frozen fish stuffings. II. Total number of microorganisms and proteolytic organisms
Zaleski S., Fik A. [digitized] 176
Zaleski S., Fik A. [digitized] 176