Med. Weter. 32 (5), 257-320, 1976
The influence of breedings methods on the behaviour of tyroxine (T4), ATP + ADP and phosphorus (Pi) in sera of piglets Siwecki J., Ryńca J.,
Klimaszewski J., Petruczenko A. [digitized] 264
Klimaszewski J., Petruczenko A. [digitized] 264
The influence of trimethylamine in fodder on broilers the breeding Dziekoński J.. Kulczycki J., Waśniewski A. [digitized] 268
Studies on the appearance of Asp At and AlAt transaminases in the haemolymph of honey bee (Apis mellijica L.) Tomaszewska B. [digitized] 270
Carbaryl and 1-naphtol residues in poultry tissues and eggs following experimental contamination Juszkiewicz T., Żuk M., Cybulski W.,
Minta M. [digitized] 272
Minta M. [digitized] 272
Studies on the state of bacterial contamination of a pasteurized whole egg mass Nowicki L. [digitized] 275
Studies on a mass prophylaxy of reticuloperitonitis et pericarditis traumatica in cattle by the use of magnets Cąkała S., Bieniek K. [digitized] 280
The activity of chosen nonspecific phosphatases and alpha-esterase in organs of guinea-pigs in acute and chronic Carbatox foxicosis Madej J. A.,
Salem H. [digitized] 284
Salem H. [digitized] 284
Studies on the pathogenic activity of Clostridium perfringens A of different toxinogenic properties Cygan Z., Cygan R. [digitized] 287
The effects of therapeutical and prophylactical application of Ridzol in swine dysentery Janowski H., Bieszke R. [digitized] 290
The evaluation of a mixture of Ranide and Thiabendazole in the control of the invasion of Liver fluke and gastro-intestinal nemathodes Ramisz A.,
Urban E., Surma F. [digitized] 291
Urban E., Surma F. [digitized] 291
Studies on the efficacy of Mebendazole in the treatment of trichocephalosis in the dog Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 293
Preparation of samples, precision and accuracy in the ASA method. I. The determination of Cu, Zn and Fe in serum . . Wierciński J.,
Szewczuk A. [digitized] 297
Szewczuk A. [digitized] 297