Med. Weter. 30 (10), 577-640, 1974
Technical aspects of cans warming in nonrotated autoclave Wojciechowski J., Uchman W., Piskorska K. [digitized] 583
Studies on the presence of antibiotics in the muscles and internal organs of slaughtered pigs Kulczakiewicz J. [digitized] 585
Sensitivity to antibiotics of D group streptococci isolated from food products Malik K. [digitized] 587
The occurrence of some infectious diseases in Europe in 1960—72 notified and under state control Lis H. [digitized] 588
Studies on the carrier state of Moraxella bovis by cattle and the role of flies in the transmission of the microorganisms Kucharski B., Dąbrowski T.,
Staniewska R. [digitized] 591
Staniewska R. [digitized] 591
A case of mass infection of pigs with human type of tubercle bacilli Żórawski C, Jakucewicz S., Piechocki A., Karpiński T. [digitized] 593
Cerebral meningitis and encephalitis in foxes due to salmonellosis Kaszubkiewicz C, Madej J. A. [digitized] 598
The Comparison of immunogenic activity of formal inactivated toxine and suspension of Cl. botulinum C Mierzejewski J., Skoczek A., Lis T. [digitized] 600
The content of vitamin A in milk of cows low-land black and white breeding reacting positively in a field cell test (TOK) Monkiewicz J.,
Galant K. [digitized] 608
Galant K. [digitized] 608
The agreement of the results of \he test with the use of "Mastirapid" with a laboratory estimation of milk Sawicka J., Klank J. [digitized] 611
Enzymatic activity in serum of cows in the period of pasture and cow shed feeding Markiewicz K., Markiewicz Z., Kuleta Z. [digitized] 613
Prophylaxis against the diseases of alimentary and respiratory tracts in calves under large scale breeding conditions Kwiatkowski T. [digitized] 616
Detection of agamma- and hypogammaglobulinaemia in calves in the field veterinary practice Majewska B. [digitized] 619
Banminth-Pfizer in the treatment of ascariasis and oesophagostomatosis in pigs Romaniuk K. [digitized] 621
Prophylaxy of the contamination of semen in animals. III. Certain methods of preservation of the prepuce and semen against contamination
Piasecka-Serafin M. [digitized] 623
Piasecka-Serafin M. [digitized] 623
A foreign body in the urinary bladder of cow and the way to remove it . . . Kotowicz J. P. [digitized] 630
Observations on the treatment of dermatomycosis in cattle . Paciejewski S., Wójcik A. R. [digitized] 630