Med. Weter. 27 (6), 321-384, 1971
Cytodiagnostic of enterovirus infections in cattle. I. The application of cell cultures of different organs Baczyński Z. [digitized] 328
The influence of glycocorticoids on the intradermal tuberculin test in cattle Surmiak B. [digitized] 330
Quantitative determination in vitro of the resistance of Salmonella strains against nitrofuran preparations Borkowska-Opacka B.,
Truszczyński M. [digitized] 333
Truszczyński M. [digitized] 333
Comparative studies on the bactericidal action of chloraminę, NaOH and sterinol on certain Salmonella serotypes Goliszewski K.,
Meuszyński S., Nikodemska E., Zielonka K. [digitized] 335
Meuszyński S., Nikodemska E., Zielonka K. [digitized] 335
The influence of Oxytetracycline on the development of Candida albicans in experimentally infected chickens Różańska M.,
Samorek-Dziekanowska E. [digitized] 337
Samorek-Dziekanowska E. [digitized] 337
Studies on the action of Neguvon, Nilverm and Thiabendazole on the migrating larvae of Dictyocaulus viviparus. The experimental model —
a guinea pig Wieczorowski S. [digitized] 341
a guinea pig Wieczorowski S. [digitized] 341
Pathogenesis of alimentary intoxications caused by Bacillus cereus in men Zawadzki Z., Grimm H. [digitized] 349
The quality of skins originating from fattening pigs derived from various producers from the region of equipment of the meat factory in Olsztyn
Wajda S., Zienkowicz S. [digitized] 351
Wajda S., Zienkowicz S. [digitized] 351
The tissue reaction in the experimental implantation of polyestric fibres (Torlen TD 150/x8) into the skin and subcutaneous tissue of cattle
Dziekoński J., Kowaliszyn L [digitized] 357
Dziekoński J., Kowaliszyn L [digitized] 357
The influence of different doses of oxyterracine on the level of protein fractions of serum in chickens Sobczyk J. [digitized] 363
The evaluation of zoohygienic conditions of cattle premises in individual farms Szachnowski S. [digitized] 374