Med. Weter. 26 (8), 449-512, 1970
Examinations of some animal species and animal products against Salmonella Buczowski Z., Strzelecki E., Pietkiewicz K.,
Cader-Strzelecka B. [digitized] 449
Cader-Strzelecka B. [digitized] 449
Salmonella types in animals and animals products in Poland in 1946—1965 Meuszyński S. [digitized] 453
Bacteria of Salmonella group isolated from dead animals in Poland in 1964—1968 Służewska M., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 455
The incidence of Salmonella dublin in tissues of calves suspected of salmonellosis and slaughtered due to necessity Meuszyński S. [digitized] 458
Investigations on the therapeutic efficacy of furazolidon and chloramphenicol in experimental fowl typhoid Stępkowski S., Rzedzicki J.,
Orlik A. [digitized] 460
Orlik A. [digitized] 460
A case of the incidence of Salmonella mission var. isangi in chickens in the Katowice voivodship Butrym-Malczewska B., Wachowicz R.,
Furowicz A. [digitized] 465
Furowicz A. [digitized] 465
Examinations of faeces from pigs against the carrier-state of Salmonella Meuszyński S. [digitized] 466
A case of spastic paresis of legs in the bull of black-white breed Hoppe R., Chomiak M., Mi1art Z. [digitized] 467
The terapeutic value of Neguvon determined on the evidence of mitotic activity of carp (Ciprinus carpio L.) gill epithelium Prost M.,
Rożynkowa D. [digitized] 470
Rożynkowa D. [digitized] 470
Amino acid analysis of lymphatic tissue, its homogenates and hydrolysates in the course of chronic lymphatic leukaemia in cattle Kądziołka A.,
Kostarz T., Grundboeck M. [digitized] 472
Kostarz T., Grundboeck M. [digitized] 472
Biochemical indices for evaluation of the semen quality of live-stocks. II. Investigations on the penetration of alumin labelled with Jm from
blood to semen plasma Strzeżek J., Bieguszewski H., Szuperski T. [digitized] 480
blood to semen plasma Strzeżek J., Bieguszewski H., Szuperski T. [digitized] 480
Binding of triiodothyronine by Sephadex in vitro as an index of thyroid gland activity and affinity of serum proteins to thyroid hormones
Ślebodziński A., Jastrzębski M. [digitized] 487
Ślebodziński A., Jastrzębski M. [digitized] 487
Changes of some parameters of freshnes of „hering butter" during storage Wartenberg L.. Trębusiewicz B. [digitized] 493
Post slaughter losses caused by parasites occuring in cattle in the Białystok voivodship Wa1kowiak E., Aleksandrowska I., Andrulewicz T.,
Iwanowski E., Kawelicz M., Nietupski M., Śmiechowicz J., Wityk A.. Zieliński E. [digitized] 496
Iwanowski E., Kawelicz M., Nietupski M., Śmiechowicz J., Wityk A.. Zieliński E. [digitized] 496
The determination of histamine in the liquid content of rumen by means of high voltage electrophoresis Pomorski Z., Truchliński J. [digitized] 497
The comparative determination of aminotransferases in serum acc. to Reitman-Frankel and by means of Fermognost test Kurska E..
Witczak K. [digitized] 500
Witczak K. [digitized] 500
Encircling and clossing of the lumen of intestine by oviduct of gravid uterus in the heifer Krasnodębski J. [digitized] 504