Med. Weter. 54 (3), 145-216, 1998


Possibilities of early diagnosis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and authorization the population as BSE - free according to the
directives of OIE
Truszczyński M., Żmudziński J. R [digitized] 147
Possibilities of intravital diagnosis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies – TSEs Prost E.K. [digitized] 151
Immunostimmulatory activity of herbs Grela E. R., Sembratowicz I., Czech A. [digitized] 152
Natural alimentary inhibitors of digestive enzymes Leontowicz H., Kulasek G. [digitized] 159
Ovulation stress and chosen indices of antioxidative state of animals Kleczkowski M., Mucin ski W, Sitarska E., Sikora J. [digitized] 166
Therapeutic and dietetic value of probiotic milk products Siuta A., Kamiński J. [digitized] 172
*Prevalence of VHD in Poland results of 2-years serological screening studies FitznerA., Kęsy A., Niedbalski W, Paprocka G [digitized] 175
Infection with Mycobacterium bovis in European bison Zórawski C, Lipiec M. [digitized] 178
Synthesis of vitamin C in broilers during their first two months Lechowski J., Nagórna-Stasiak B., Kowalczyk M. [digitized] 181
Selected indices of iron metabolism in cows with hypocuprosis Gehrke M., Jaśkowski J. M., Zbylut J., Wlodarczak A. [digitized] 185
Molecular screening for the early embryo mortality gene (DUMPS) in the Polish cattle population Grzybowski G, Grzybowski T, Woźniak M.,
Chacińska-Buczek L, Smuda E.,Lubieniecki K
[digitized] 189
Tnfluence of zinc oxide in feed on the health status of weaned pigs Rutkowska-Pejsak B., Mokrzycka A., Szkoda J. [digitized] 194
Application of the Ilizarow method in the treatment of crural bones fracture complicated with pseudoarthrosis in a dog Zadura P.,
Krzemiński M.
[digitized] 201
Application of B. subtilis for the determination of bacteriostatic activity of propolis extracts Meresta T [digitized] 203