Med. Weter. 48 (10), 433-480, 1992


Anti-tumor action of viruses Larski Z. [digitized] 438
60th General Session of the International Office of Epizootics in Paris Maleszewski J., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 443
Galeriasis — the assessment of methods used for the control of invasion Gliński Z., Jarosz J. [digitized] 445
Prevalence of Aujeszky's disease in Poland results of 2-year serological screening studies . Lipowski A., Pejsak Z., Kęsy A., Niedbalski W. [digitized] 449
Theory of cancerogenesis as a result of disturbances between entropy and temperature Madej J. A. [digitized] 451
Morphology and immunccytcchemistry of malignant lymphadenomas found in cattle and dogs Kaszubkiewicz C, Sadowski A. [digitized] 455
Application of Apitol in varioas seasons of beekeeping Hartwig A., Topolska G. [digitized] 458
Spoilage of internal organs and muscle tissue and its relation to microflora and endogenous proteolitic enzymes Pełczyńska E., Prost E.,
Kowalska-Pyłka H., Szkucik K., Libelt K.
[digitized] 459
The content of cholesterol in the fat and muscle tissues of pure and cross-breed pigs Korzeniowski W., Ostoja H., Jarczyk A. [digitized] 464
Survival of Yersinia enterocolitica in pork in relation to inoculum and temperature of freezing Jakubczak A., Maleszewski J. [digitized] 466
Pathogenicity for mammary gland of microorganisms isolated from clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis Malinowski E., Kłossowska A.,
Szalbierz M.
[digitized] 467
Physiological parameters of blood coagulation in horses Dąbrowska J., Wiśniewski E. [digitized] 470