Med. Weter. 46 (9), 317-364, 1990


New opinions on patogénesis of cattle mastitis. II. Dry period Kurek C [digitized] 317
Egg drop syndrom in hens (EDS '76) — course of disease and lesions in eggs Mazurkiewicz M., Giebel O., Trziszka T., Karczewski W. [digitized] 321
The evaluation of the effectiveness of Baytril in the treatment of salmonellosis in chicken broilers Minta Z., Bugajak P., Karczewski W. [digitized] 325
A case of sergical removal of callus from preputium of a bull Strawa K., Krok T. [digitized] 328
The effect of alkalosis on composition and properties of colostrum and milk of Hejłasz Z., Nicpoń J. [digitized] 329
Occurrence of Salmonella spp. in hen eggs Radkowski M. [digitized] 331
Occurrence of Salmonella in fodder, fodder components and animal mashes Maciak T., Kubiński T., Mazurek J. [digitized] 333
58th General Session of the International Office for Epizootiology in Paris — practical and scientific aspects Maleszewski J., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 335
A computer program „Rabies In Europe" Bartoszcze M., Palec S., Mizak Z., Maliński M., Węgiel T. [digitized] 337
The influence of killed vaccine against swine colibacillosis on the anaerobic bacteria of the large intestine Dziąba K., Szynkiewicz Z., Jakubowski T.,
Wójcik U.
[digitized] 339
Phagocytic activity of peripheral blood leukocytes in the polar — blue foxes naturally infectel with the canine distemper virus (CDV) Deptuła W.,
Tokarz B.
[digitized] 341
The use of the migration inhibition test of leukocytes (LMI) in the assessment of the activity of leukocytic dialysate specific for Salmonella spp.
Mikuła I., Pistl J.
[digitized] 345
Changes in the activity of aspartate (AsAT) and alanine (A1AT) aminotransferases in internal organs of carp (Ciprinus carpio L.)
in the course of erythrodermatitis
Przybylska-Wojtyszyn M., Łozinska-Gabska M. [digitized] 348
The concentration of hydroxyproline in the urine and the indices of metabolic changes in pigs maintaining in industrial fattening units Kosacki Z.,
Sitarska E., Topa K., Kluciński W.
[digitized] 350
Analysis of causes of ineffective insemination of cows based on clinical, hormonal and immunological examinations Max A. [digitized] 352
The concentration of zinc and magnesium in fleece of ewes and their progeny from a farm in vicinity of Bydgoszcz Koper J., Zamorski R. [digitized] 355
Activity of proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic enzymes of stomach, duodenum and ileum and pancreas in postnatal development of piglets
Jabłonowski Z., Żółtowska K., Piechocki D., Dziekońska-Rynko J., Lukaszewicz-Babecka J.
[digitized] 357