Med. Weter. 45 (11-12), 577-640, 1989
Metabolic and hormonal conditioning of postnatal adaptation of lambs and calves Studziński T. [digitized] 592
Unspecific humoral protective factors in secretion of the mammary gland of ruminants
Wernicki A. et al.
[digitized] 599
Evaluation of the activity of cellular protective reactions in the carp with sąprolegnia infection ...
Prost M. et al.
[digitized] 603
Cross immunological reactions in calves following vaccination against trichophytosis (ringworm)
Wawrzkiewicz J. et al.
[digitized] 605
Influence of Vitamin B compositum (Polfa) on the level of ascorbic acid in chickens . Nagórna-Stasiak B. et al. [digitized] 617
Effect of a cholesterol-fat diet enriched with vitamin C on the activity of acylcholine acylhydrolase, content ... Mierzejewski T. et al. [digitized] 619
Comparative studies of blood serum protein separated in polyacrylamide gel in silver and polar foxes Kostro K. et al. [digitized] 626