Med. Weter. 43 (3), 129-192, 1987


Magnetic nuclear resonance — new possibilities for the development of fundamental veterinary sciences Wranicz M., Podbielski T.,
Grabiec S.
[digitized] 131
Tetanus Cygan Z. [digitized] 137
The application of a computer information in epizoothiology Bartoszcze M., Palec S., Mizak Z., Maliński M. [digitized] 144
The level of antibodies in the course of natural infection and immunization of hens against EDS'76 Szeleszczuk P. [digitized] 146
Microflora of the alimentary tract of wintering Varroa jacobsoni Oud Gliński Z. [digitized] 150
Sensitivity of Str. agalactiae and Staph, aureus strains, isolated from men and animals, to selecter beta-lactam antibiotics Kostrzyński S.,
Kostrzyńska M.
[digitized] 154
The role of magnesium in immunity of animals Bednarek D. [digitized] 156
Active immunization of sows and prophylaxy against colibacillosis in newborn piglets Zyska W., Furowicz A. J. [digitized] 158
Bacterial contamination of miscellaneous foods Nowicki L. [digitized] 161
Testing the intensity of oestrus manifestation in cows Morstin J., Brzozowski P., Balcerzak K. [digitized] 167
Luteal activity of ovaries and course of reproductive processes in cows in an interpregnancy period Janowski T. [digitized] 170
Selenium deficiency in cows in the Bydgoszcz voivodeship Jaśkowski J. M. [digitized] 174
Fumilat — a new Polish drug to control varroasis of the honey bees Kostecki R., Jędruszuk A., Jeliński M. [digitized] 177
A case of an acute dilatatio and twisting of the stomach and spleen in a puppy Domański G. [digitized] 180
The content of glycogen in liver and femoral muscle after application of ammonified and silaged maize grains for fattening of pigs Chichlowska J.,
Karwacka B., Ratajszczak M.
[digitized] 181