Med. Weter. 42 (1), 1-64, 1986


Veterinary and its perspectives Cąkala S. [digitized] 3
Prophylaxy of feline leukaemia . Moennig V. [digitized] 8
Dexmatophilosis of sheep in Poland Clinical observations and isolation of the pathogen Uziębło B., Pawiński J.,, Nowakowski J. [digitized] 11
Cases of rabies in the rat and in the bat .... Twardowski H., Barancewicz M. [digitized] 15
Influence of kind of demeated bones on bacterial contaminations of mechanically separated meat Szkucik K. [digitized] 17
Rumen translocation in cattle Nicpoń J., Stôber M. [digitized] 20
Influence of electric anaesthesia on the content of a total protein and protein fractions in sera of calves Komar E. [digitized] 24
Pathoroorphological examinations of internal organs of pigs fed fodder of a high content of rye Rotkiewicz T, Tywończuk J., Lewicki C, Koska J.,
Ruta A.
[digitized] 26
Studies on the efficacy and safety of the insecticide Insektin Gundłach J. L., Sadzikowski A., Uch acz S., Grzęda M. [digitized] 28
The content of aminoacids in the serum and hydrolysates from internal organs of mice with transplanted lymphatic leukaemia L1210
Madej J. A., Kaszubkiewicz C
[digitized] 30
Vitamin A in hipercarotenemia in pregnant cows Dembiński Z. [digitized] 33
The influence of UV radiation on the microphlora of air and calf coats Dobrzański Z., Latała A., Grzegorzak A. [digitized] 37
The role of leukotriens in physiological and pathological reactions Kądziołka A., Ledwożyw A., Kozak W. [digitized] 40
Proteolytic properties of the rumen microflora .... Zawadzki Z., Zawadzki W. [digitized] 43
Occurrence of oehratoxin A residues in the porcine kidneys and blood GiOliński P., Grabarkiewicz-Szczęsna J., Chełkowski J., Szebiotko K. [digitized] 46
Investigations on porcine parvovirus infection in boars Pejsak Z., Wójcik J., Wilk S., Rutkowski W., Kozaczyński W. [digitized] 49
The relationship between before and after parturition mineral blood composition and fertility in cows Jaśkowski J. M. [digitized] 52
Evaluation of ovarian structures by rectal palpation and at necropsy in relation to progesterone levels Woyno W., S tup nick i R, Borkowski L. [digitized] 55
Cytogenetic studies of bulls in "Rearing Houses, Breeding and Insemination Centers . Sławomirski J., Sysa P., Krzyżanowski J. [digitized] 57
Contemporaneous automatic clinical analyzers. Pant I. . . . Wierciński J., Ciołek J. [digitized] 60