Med. Weter. 33 (9), 513-576, 1977


Bovine ephemeral fever Kita J. [digitized] 513
Observations on the incidence of antropozoonosises in the Kraków district . . Mach B., Mossor-Ostrowska J. [digitized] 517
A trial of the identification of acid fast bacilli in slaughtered cattle in the Białystok district Hołub M., Potocki R. [digitized] 520
Studies on the dissemination of 022 WT NDV strain in oral immunization of chickens Moncik M., Borzemska W. [digitized] 522
Studies on the immunogenic value of vaccines against leptospirosis in dogs Nowakowski J., Orzechowska-KulawczukM. [digitized] 524
Serological diagnostics of enzootic bovine leucosis Grundboeck M. [digitized] 527
The manner of a sign of paresis and spinal reflexes in the course of anaesthesia in cattle with paresis spastica Lewandowski M. [digitized] 530
The influence of „Foschlor R-20" on the content of free nucleotides in red blood cells and haemogram indices in rabbits Śmigielska J. [digitized] 534
The influence of NaHC03 on a functional state of kidneys in laying hens Mazurkiewicz M., Nicpoń J., Tronina S., Wachriik Z. [digitized] 537
Industrial pollutions and animal health and productivity Bohosiewicz M., Jopek Z., Mikołajczak B. [digitized] 540
Mercury content in mixed feeds Juszkiewicz T., Szprengier T. [digitized] 544
Malondialdehyde concentration determined in the presence of chitin in the raw materials and krill fodders Witas T., Wędzińska J.,
Olbromska E.
[digitized] 546
Stability of a fat component of a fodder concentrate „Celat" in various conditions of storage Trębusiewicz B., Wartenberg L., Preś J. [digitized] 549
The results of frozen sheep embryos transplantation Smorąg Z., Wierzbowski S., Wierzchoś E., Kareta W., Gajda B. [digitized] 552
The appearance and sort of cryptorchism in boars Bernacki Z., Hoppe R., Sysa P., Liwska J. [digitized] 555
Cases of freemartinism in heifers from multifoetal pregnancy Zieliński J., Do rynek Z. [digitized] 558
Morphological picture of semen of bull and index of unrepeatence Jaczewski S., Kazimirów E. [digitized] 561
Some possibilities of regulation of stags thikening on hunting grounds with the use of hormones Szukiel E. [digitized] 563
Microorganisms from Enterobacteriaceae family isolated from slaughter animals subjected to supplementary laboratory analysis
Maciak T.
[digitized] 565
Echinococcosis in pigs and its economical effects Deryło A., Kinka R. [digitized] 568