Med. Weter. 28 (8), 449-512, 1972


Antibacterial defense mechanisms in animals. I. Bacteriocides Gołębiowski S. [digitized] 449
The HI antibodies level against parainfluenza-3 virus in the sera of cattle in the Olsztyn, Gdańsk and Bydgoszcz provinces Larski Z.,
Wiśniewski J.
[digitized] 454
Rabies in animals in the Poznań province in 1966—1970, and epidemiologic aspects of its focuses unusually encountered Kempski W.,
Łosiński T.
[digitized] 456
Investigations on the properties and antigenic structure of Streptococcus pluton. II. Biochemical properties and pathogenicity Gliński Z. [digitized] 458
Investigations on mastitis in cows in the Gdańsk province. V. The occurence of pathogenic bacteria in dried udder Kurek C, Stawicki W. [digitized] 462
Group membership of Streptococcus strains isolated from animal materials and their physiological properties Truszczyński M., Kocik T.,
Kryszkowski M.
[digitized] 464
Attempts of the use of avirulent strains of Erysipelothrix insidiosa to specific orally immunization of pigs Janowski H., Wasiński K.,
Wasińska B.
[digitized] 466
Examination on carries of Erysipelothrix insidiosa in cattle Kucharski B. [digitized] 468
Chemotherapeutics sensitivity of microorga¬nisms from 474Micrococcaceae family isolated fro476m milk of mastitic cows Maciak T.,
Artecki E.
[digitized] 469
The se478nsitivity of pathogenic strains t481o antibiotics used in the treatment, iso482lated in 1965—1970 in the Gdańsk pr485ovince
Chyliński G.
[digitized] 474
Observations on deh488elmintization of pigs in an industrial swill feeding pig farm Getler K [digitized] 476
Indigestion due to functional disturbances of proventriculi and abomasus as a result of vagus injure Joszt B. [digitized] 478
Morbital applied to euthanasia of small animals Badura R., Buczek A., Utzig J. [digitized] 481
Some cases of recovery of tibia fractures in Kangaroo (Macropus rufus Desmarest) Gucwiński A., Kaliniewicz S. [digitized] 482
On the weight of thyroids, adrenals and livers of broilers reared at different population densities Jastrzębski M. [digitized] 485
Protein assimilation of mould bacterial biomass Chudy J., Bednarski W., Poznański S. [digitized] 488
The influence of mixing fish meals on the degree of fat oxidation 490 Molenda J. The problem of horse meast infection with Salmonella sp
Witas T.
[digitized] 490
Probblem of horse meat infection with Salmonella sp Molenda J. [digitized] 494
The effect of the sediment accumulated in containers on the infection of pelleted semen stored in liquid nitrogen (-196°C)
Piasecka-Serafin M.
[digitized] 496
Bacteria isolated from aborted fetuses from cows in the Koszalin province in 1969—1970 Kozłowski S., Kozłowska I. [digitized] 499
Determination of isothiocyanides (ITC) and 5-vinyl-2-thiooxasolidone (VTO) in grinding rape Madejski Z., Szprengier T. [digitized] 502