Med. Weter. 24 (9), 513-576, 1968


The virological diagnosis in veterinary practice Lar ski Z. [digitized] 513
The investigations on isola¬tion and identification of CI. oedematiens from earth samples Jastrzębski T., Cygan Z., Nowak J. [digitized] 516
The investigation in vitro on sensitivity of some species of Salmonella isolated from animals to Nitrofurazone and antibiotics Truszczyński M.,
Służewska M.
[digitized] 520
The sensitivity of E. coli strains isolated from swine dead of colibacterioses in Kielce voivodship to Nitrofurazone and antibiotics Gronek W.,
Tereszczuk S.
[digitized] 523
The evaluation of the beta-galactosidase test (galactohydrolase or beta-D-galactosides) in the quick bacteriological diagnosis Furowicz A.,
Madejski J., Urbańska L., Wachowicz R., Zahaczewska M.
[digitized] 526
The investigation on neutralizing antibodies in cattle blood serum in six months after revaccination with trivalent vaccine against Foot-and-Mouth
Wiśniewski J., Jankowska J. [digitized] 529
The seroantigenic properties of somatic polysaccharide extracts of Mycobacterium avium. I. The activity in the passive hemagglutination test
Rzedzicki J. [digitized] 532
The investigations on the incidence of congenital reproductive disturbances in herdbook bulls in Bydgoszcz district Jaśkowski L., Romaniuk J.,
Majewski J.
[digitized] 535
The sexual cycle regula¬tion in half blooded mare in the periods of reproduction season Mazurczak J., Ganowicz M., Topa K. [digitized] 539
Coligranulomatosis and pseudo-tuberculosis in birds in macro-and-micropathological picture KaszubkiewiczC, Michalska Z. [digitized] 542
The influence of overloading on the occurence of hoof material necrosis Czauderna A. [digitized] 545
The clinical observations on stomach cardial achalasia connected with gigantic oesophagus in dog Koper S. [digitized] 550
Lens' cataract Szczudłowska M. [digitized] 553
The occurrence of blood in milk of cows milked mechanically, depending on their milking ability Dobicki A., Szulc T. [digitized] 555
Polfamix A in laying hens feeding. Part II. The evaluation on the usefulness of Polfamix A supplied with microelements Gawęcki K, Lipińska H.,
Harenza T.
[digitized] 557
The industrial power feed mixtures in the light of laboratory evaluation Mucha E., BiercaS. [digitized] 559
Modern views on the role of Bursa Fabricii in the immunizing processes in chicks Roszkowski J. [digitized] 561
The nematodes invasion in liver of Baltic cods as the sanitary evaluation problem Ganowiak Z. [digitized] 564
The multiplication of distemper virus in tissue culture Górska C [digitized] 565
The organs controlling the infectious diseases of domestic animals in Poland Lutyński W. [digitized] 569