Med. Weter. 14 (4), 193-256, 1958
The inactivating effect of rivanol for Lansing's strain of poliomyelitis virus Larski Z., Szaflarski J. & Szurman J. [digitized] 193
On the role of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the pathology of reproduction of cattle Chodkowski A. [digitized] 196
On the standarization of the milk ring test (MRT). I. Technical equipment Anczykowski F. [digitized] 199
The answer to J. Kłoczkowskis paper entitled „One may not ménage the breeding of horses without the share of users" printed in „Medycyna
Weterynaryjna" No. 11, 1957 Matławski C [digitized] 211
Weterynaryjna" No. 11, 1957 Matławski C [digitized] 211
Diagnosis of some developmental defects of geniltal system in heifers with special reference to a perturbation Senze A. [digitized] 213
The control of trichomooniasis in „closed mating rings" . Kowalczyk S. & Markowski A. [digitized] 216
Some problems connecting with the occurrence of foreign bodies in ruminant's stomachs. I. Statistics, methods of treatement
Szeligowski E. [digitized] 224
Szeligowski E. [digitized] 224
The effect of the age of bull semen and some organizational factors on the results of insemination Dziliński J. [digitized] 228