Med. Weter. 48 (2), 49-96, 1992


Reproductive-respiratory syndrome in swine Pejsak Z. et al. [digitized] 49
Dynamics of infections with equine arteritis virus (EAV) in the stud of horses being under ... Go1nik W. et al. [digitized] 52
Evaluation of pathogenicity of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from the fish from the Olsztyn province Andziak J. et al. [digitized] 54
influence of Bovine leukemia virus and developing leukemic ploces§ on the conten ... Klimentowski S. [digitized] 56
The influence of 2-/4-/2-(4-chlorobenzamido) ethyl/phenoxy/-2-methyl-propionic acid ... Rotkiewicz S. et al. [digitized] 59
Cattle onchocercosis in Poland Demiaszkiewicz A. W. et al. [digitized] 61
Pharmacological immunoprotection against environmental aggression Garbuliński T. [digitized] 63
The level of stress hormones in piglets of different hierarchic rank in the group Fitko R. et al. [digitized] 66
A new surgical table in the light of current world trends Kwieciński A. et al. [digitized] 68
Prevalence and control of mallophagian lice in guinea pigs in laboratory animal husbandries Ziomko I. et al. [digitized] 70
Evaluation of the usefulness of selected devices used to apply smoked drugs to control ... Jeliński M. et al. [digitized] 72
Neoplastic changes in the liver and suprarenal glands of the pearl dormouse Bazan-Kubik I. et al. [digitized] 75
Treatment of subclinical and clinical chronic diseases of mammary gland in cows with used ... Samborski Z. et al. [digitized] 76
Bovine embryo transfer as a method to get healthy offspring derived from cows infected with ... Króliński J. et al. [digitized] 79
The role of the environment on the distribution of infections of the reproductive tract caused by Ureaplasma... Pilaszek J. et al. [digitized] 81
Beta-lactum antibiotics and other inhibitory substances in milk delivered to milk stations by individual farmers Krzyżanowski J. et al. [digitized] 84
The use of anodic inversive voltamperometry to determine the level of lead in market milk Arciuch H. [digitized] 86
Capacity of human erythrocytes O, A, B and AB groups to agglutinate the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) Fitzner A. et al. [digitized] 89