Med. Weter. 46 (8), 269-316, 1990


Newest views on pathogenesis of bovine mastitis. I. Clinical and sublinical forms .... Kurek C [digitized] 269
Changes in classification of bacteria isolated from the udder of a cow . . . Bassalik-Chabielska L. [digitized] 272
Studies on the staphylococcal etiology of mastitis in cows . . . Kostrzyński S., Kozanecki M. [digitized] 275
Properties of staphylococci isolated from canine otitis externa . . . Staroniewicz Z., Birger M. [digitized] 278
Leukaemia as an effect of cascade of molecular changes Madej J. A. [digitized] 280
Antibodies against the reverse transcriptase (RT) of bovine leukosis virus in sera of experimentally infected sheep Grundboeck-Juśko J.,
Reichert M.
[digitized] 284
Effectiveness of Baytril in control of bacterial diseases in poultry Mazurkiewicz M., Latała A., Wieliczko A., Za1esiński A., Tomaszewski M. [digitized] 286
Antifungal properties of the extracts from the fruits of Archangelica officinalis Hoffm Wawrzkiewicz K., Wolski T., Ziółkowska G., Kawka S. [digitized] 289
Evaluation of immunogenic properties of adenoviral vaccine „Adenovac 2" Wrzołek-Łobocka G., Buczek J., Tyszko A. [digitized] 293
A trial to determine relationships between the level of cortyzol at oestrus and fertility of cows under different management conditions
Max A.
[digitized] 296
A mean lifespan and productiveness of the Simental cows and causes of culling Trautman J., Tarkowski J., Szwast M. [digitized] 298
The influence of radiation on stability and quality of meat of herrings and codes Szulc M., Pęconek J., Stańczak B. [digitized] 302
Salmonellae in food of animal origin according to Vet. Laboratory of Hygiene in Warsaw Maciak T., Kubiński T. [digitized] 305
Remains of chlorinated hydrocarbons in fat and muscles of slaughter horses Tomczyński R., Smoczyński S., Wiśniewska I. [digitized] 307
Pyrethroids — synthetic analogues of natural insecticides Dąbrowski J. [digitized] 310