Med. Weter. 45 (5), 257-320, 1989
Influence of kryothecrapy tumors caused by intramuscular introduction of nickel ... Ratajska-Michalczak K. [digitized] 259
The influence of orthopaedic diseasses on some reproductive indices in milking cows maintained in large scale breeding Orsag A. [digitized] 263
The influence of Mo, Zn and S at differentiated dietary contens of Cu on body weight gains in bulls Kleczkowski M. [digitized] 270
The influence of HC1 solution given in-tragastrically on the weight gains and biochemical indices ... Bakula T. et al. [digitized] 275
Pirymidine and puryne compounds in the plasma, urine and milk of normal cows and those with enzootic leukosis Motyl T. et al. [digitized] 279
The level of cortisole in the blood of miniatu¬re swine as results of physical work... Jakubowski K. et al. [digitized] 283
Therapeutiic value of immunostimulation with Propionibaclerium acnes in the treatment of listeriosis in chinchilla Furowicz A. J. et al. [digitized] 289
The content of mineral components in the bone marrow in relation to age and species of animals Nowakowski Z. [digitized] 292
The occurrence and toxicity of Aeromonas sp. isolated from meat Osuchowska E. et al. [digitized] 295
Progesterone production in the poriod between pregnancies and fertility in cows haused under different conditions Janowski T. et al. [digitized] 301
The influence of bile acid on the motoric activity of the jejunum in the rabbit ad big in vitro and ... Radymska-Wawrzyniak K. et al. [digitized] 304