Med. Weter. 45 (9-10), 513-576, 1989
Cunipest — a native vaccine against rabbit plague Górski J., Mizak B., Kęsy A., Fitzner A., Łój H. [digitized] 519
Gross lesions and histopathological picture in the case of rabbit plague (pestis cuniculi) during epidemic in the Low Silesia Sołtysiak Z., Michalska Z. [digitized] 521
A brupt cases of ilness and losses in weaners and fatteners infected by Streptococcus suis type II Pejsak Z., Tarasiuk K., Sadoch L. [digitized] 525
Haemophilus somnus syndrom — etiopathology and determination of the pathogen Molenda J., Nikołajczuk M., Nowacki W., Stefaniak T. [digitized] 528
The content of cations in foetal fluids of dead chicken embryos from hens infected by adenoviruses Szeleszczuk P., Borzemska W., Goźliński H. [digitized] 535
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) application to examine liver tissues during invasion of the Liwer fluke in cattle Wranicz M., Podbiel ski T., Grabiec S. [digitized] 538
Gamma — aminobutyrdc acid (GABA) its role in an organism and in drugs action Kania B. F. [digitized] 539
Laboratory examinations on the usefulness of the Polish syste¬matic anti-Varroa drugs applied in food for the control of Varroa jacobsoni invasion Jędruszuk A., Kostecki R. [digitized] 547
A trial to determine the role of antispermatozoal antibodies in sterility of cows Max A. [digitized] 555
Introductory studies on the influence of GnRH on sexual behaviour of stallions Słonina D., Pozor M. [digitized] 559
Bactericidal effectiveness of UV radiators type DRT-400 in a broiler house Dobrzański Z., Fa our i A. W., Markiewicz M., Pawiak R. [digitized] 562
Studies on the relationship between the level of environment pollution with heavy metals and their accumulation in tisseus of sheep Enne G., Leita L., Giardini I., Sequi P. [digitized] 565
Peripheral blood plasma insulin concentration in the early postnatal life calves and its relation to feeding Studziński T., Czarnecki A., Głuszak A., Radymska-Wawrzyniak K. [digitized] 569