Med. Weter. 44 (2), 65-128, 1988


Truth and myths about so called natural human nutrition Prost E. [digitized] 67
Virus-bacteria intereactions in infections of the respiratory tract Kita J. [digitized] 71
Factors making difficult control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease and instructions of its eradication Mazurek J. et al. [digitized] 75
Appearance of antibodies f or bovine leukosis virus (BLV) in calves during first month of life Grundboeck J. et al. [digitized] 77
Chosen problems from immunoprophylaxy of Aujeszky's disease in swine Wiśniewski J. et al. [digitized] 81
Drug resistance of Escherichia coli strains isolated from normal calves and those with the signs ... Wernicki A. et al. [digitized] 85
Efficacy of selected antibiotics in the control of experimental mycoplasmosis in chickens Wieliczko A. et al. [digitized] 88
The role of Zinc in immunological reactions in animals Bednarek D. [digitized] 92
Effects of the application of zinc and sulphur on a healthy state and productiveness of snnep Markiewicz K. et al. [digitized] 95
Evaluation of the exposition of cows to fluorine compounds present in industrial emissions Machoy Z. et al. [digitized] 98
Holsztyn disease-cardiomyopathy Trautman J. [digitized] 100
Influence of vitamins A+D3, E and microelements — Cu, Mn and Zn on the reproduction of sows Ruda M. et al. [digitized] 102
Some biochemical indices in the serum of young sows coming from the herdreared on industrial farms Gajęcki M. et al. [digitized] 107
The values of hepatic clearance of antypirine in calves in neonatal period Baranow-Baranowski S. et al. [digitized] 110
Changes of haematological indices, concentration of total protein, glucose and cholesterol ... Białkowski Z., et al. [digitized] 112
Neutrone activation analysis — foundations and application in biological and veterinary studies Wranicz M., et al. [digitized] 115
The application of thin-layer chromatography in veterinary toxicological analysis Posyniak A. [digitized] 120