Med. Weter. 44 (9), 513-576, 1988


Radioactive pollution ol food animal origin alter radiation accidents Kossakowski S. [digitized] 515
Results of veterinary inspection of slaug hter animals in Poland and their economical role Lis H. [digitized] 519
Polychloriine compounds in the muscles and liver of Baltic fish, 1985—1986 Falandysz J. [digitized] 525
Footrot in sheep Cygan Z. [digitized] 528
The efficacy of Dinco-SpecVsn in the treatment and protection against swine dysentery Szynkiewicz Z. et al. [digitized] 536
Ocurrence of Salmonellae in poultry in the Olsztyn vodvodeship in 1985—87 Krasnodębska-Depta A. et al. [digitized] 539
Serological diagnosis of bovine parainfluenza by HI micromethod using goose erythrocytes Rułka J. [digitized] 542
Isolation of virulent strains of Yersinia enterocolitica f nam tonsils of pigs Staroniewicz Z. [digitized] 545
A case of psoroptosis in the bison (Bison bonasus) in the Białowieża forest Demiaszkiewicz A. W. [digitized] 547
The influence of embryos died during incubation on egg hatching and chickens quality Borzemska W. et al. [digitized] 548
The „in vitro" studies on antifungal action of Archangelica officinalis seed extracts against Ascosphaera apis Gliński Z. et al. [digitized] 552
Mattings soaked with formic acid — a new method of the control vairroa basis in bees Niedzielski J. et al. [digitized] 556
The role cellular growth factors in sclerosis Ledwożyw A. et al. [digitized] 559
Reproductive usefulness of rams related with their species Wierzbowski S. et al. [digitized] 561
Fertility and age of culled caws Stenzel R. et al. [digitized] 564
Studies on the toxicity of xylamites for bulls. I. Biochemical examinations Wałkuska G. et al. [digitized] 567
Evaluation of the processes of retaining in horses on the basis of the test in labyrinth Budzyński B. [digitized] 569
The efefot of nicotinic acid on adsorption of vitamin C in broilers Nagórna-Stasiak B. et al. [digitized] 572