Med. Weter. 42 (6), 321-384, 1986


The role of Escherichia coli endotoxin, in aethiology of post-partum agalactia in sows Tarasiuk K.. Pejsak Z. [digitized] 323
Biological activity of PPD tuberculins produced in Poland Żórawski C, Skwarek P., Wozikowski R., Majek M. [digitized] 327
Preliminary evaluation of a vaccine against influenza in horses Baczyński Z., Skulmowska-Kryszkowska D. [digitized] 330
Influence of infection with the virus of egg drop syndrom (EDS' 76) on hens hatching Borzemska W., Malicka E., Kosowska G., Szeleszczuk P. [digitized] 333
An antypical course of Rubarth's disease in dogs . Sumińska D.. Hulas C, Bielecki W. [digitized] 337
Biological methods of the control of subclinic staphylococcal mastitis in lactating cows and in a dry period Kurek C [digitized] 338
Comparative serological examinations of the saimples of blood and milk in case of enzootic leukaemia of cattle Klim en tow ski S. [digitized] 342
Three cases of erythroleukosis in dogs Hejłasz Z. [digitized] 346
Perizin — a drug used to control Varroa disease Romaniuk K. [digitized] 350
An attempt toapply tiamulin (Tiamowet Biowat) in the treatment of mycoplasmosis in hens W aśn iewsk i A. [digitized] 353
A case of lymphosareoinatosis in horse . Kotowski K. [digitized] 356
Appraisal of the usefulness of chosen blood biochemical indices in pregnant cows for proginosing of post-partum disturbances in cows in
a large scale breeding
Dembiński Z., Więckowski W., Mróz-Dembińska S. [digitized] 357
The role of the addition of antiboties to the bull's semen Wayda E. [digitized] 362
Influence of suction on the activity of ovaries in cows after parturition determined on the basis of the level of progesterone in the blood Janowski T.
Raś A., Chmiel J., Zduńczyk S.
[digitized] 366
Changes in the content of Zinc, Copper and ceruloplasmine in biological fluids and tissues of sows and their foetuses during pregnancy
Malinowska A.
[digitized] 368
Infectious diseases as a barrier for the export of animals and meat in the light of international veterinary conventions . Radkowski M. [digitized] 373
Effect of different doses of heparin on the results of NBT test in cattle Stefaniak T. [digitized] 376