Med. Weter. 41 (9), 513-576-, 1985


Influence of different doses of Hg on its location in the animal organism Kossakowski S., Grosicki A., Dziura A. [digitized] 515
Influence of time weaning on the health state and growth of piglets Markiewicz K, Depta A., Łuczak Z., Adamski W., Banaszak J. [digitized] 518
Trials of conservative treatment of acute mastitis in ewes .... Malinowski E., Krzyżanowski J., Szaluś J., Mouallem H. [digitized] 521
Alterations In some blood indices at mastitis of different intensity in cows Wrońska J., Sowiński G., Matynia-Wróblewska J., Iwańczuk K. [digitized] 523
Biological method of control of staphylococcal infections of udders in a herd of cows in a dry period Kurek C., Szwabe E., Roczniak W. [digitized] 525
Symptomatological differences appearing in the course of some diseases of the central nervous system in cows Stober M. [digitized] 528
Studies on the influence of mineral mixed feed Wisol-BM on the development of lymphatic leukaemia in mice . Madej J. A., Kaszubkiewicz C,
Klimentowski S., Mazurkiewicz M., Kuryszko J., Sobiech K. A.
[digitized] 533
Alterations in the electrophoretic picture of serum proteins in mice with transplanted leukaemias . Sobiech K. A., Sobiech E., Madej J. A. [digitized] 539
Increased absorption of neomycin from the ali¬mentary tract of pigs with diarrhoea and after laparothomy in general anaesthesia .... 542
Garwacki S., Sobczyk J., Barańska B.
[digitized] 542
The influence of high doses of vit. C on the level of lipids in the plasma and the wail of aorta during alimentary hyperlipidemia of cock
Trawińska B.
[digitized] 545
The ability of Fusaria isolated from domestic cereals to produce vomitoxin and zearalenone Chełkowski J., Visconti A., Goliński P., Kwaśna H. [digitized] 548
Effects of disinfection of poultry litter by means of formalin, urea and burnt lime Majewski T., Tymczyna L., Podgórski W. [digitized] 550
The content of haemoglobin and the number of erythrocytes in the blood of calves of lowland black and white breed Janeczek W.,
Chudoba-Drozdowska B.
[digitized] 553
The level of carotens and vitamin A in sera and liver of the male geese fed increased doses of these components in fodder Jamroz D.,
Pakulska E., Bieliński K., Potkański A., Woszczyk J., Karasiński D.
[digitized] 555
International exchange of frozen horse embryos Allen W. R., Boyle M., Członkowska M., Tischner M. [digitized] 558
LH and progesterone levels in ewes in spontaneous and synchronized estrus cycle Kasztelan R., Stupnicki R., Żebracki A. [digitized] 561
Necrotic dermatitis (Blue wing disease) in chickens Szeleszczuk P., Borzemska W., Bielecki W. [digitized] 563
Influence of various methods of freezing on survival of Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus in meat . Pogorzelska E.,
Radkowski M., Kondratowicz J., Jóźwik E.
[digitized] 566