Med. Weter. 39 (9), 513-576, 1983


Present views on mechanisms and effects of stress in animals Fitko R. [digitized] 515
Immunoprotective mechanism in the fish Prost M. [digitized] 520
Lymphocyte receptors Cybu1ski W. [digitized] 525
Studies on the application of ketamine for anaesthesia in the horse .... Komar E. [digitized] 528
Macro- and microscopic characteristics of rumen mucosa in sheep fed pelleted fodder Lubiarz J., Cąkała S., Roszkowski J., Stryszak M. [digitized] 530
A case of acute poisoning in the coypu by Pb compounds Gôrka T., Kulczycki J., Wasniewski A. [digitized] 535
Q-fever diagnosed in dairy cows on the basis of serological tests Cygan Z., Buczek J., Modzelewska A., Guzik Z. [digitized] 536
A new method of dermatophytes isolation from pathological materials Wawrzkiewicz K., Ziółkowska G. [digitized] 539
Lungs adenomatosis in sheep Baczyński Z. [digitized] 542
The application of immunofluorescence test for routine diagnosis of Aujeszky disease Peryt T. [digitized] 546
Usefulness of Neocidol R 25EC (Ciba-Geigy) and Neguvone (Bayer) in the control of external parasites in sheep Gundłach J. L., Furmaga S.,
Uchacz S.
[digitized] 549
Behaviour of B and T lymphocytes in internal organs and in the peripheral blood of mice with transplant lymphatic leukaemia P 388 Madej J. A.,
Konopa M., Klimentowski S., Mazurkiewicz M.
[digitized] 552
Pollution of food products of animal origin Mierzejewski J. [digitized] 555
The application of a fast diffusion test FDT and a standard medium SM according to the Polish Norm for the detection of inhibiting substances in milk
Kurek C, Milko K.
[digitized] 557
Occurrence and thermal tolerance of Lactobacillus viridescens in meat Osuchowska E. [digitized] 560
Disinfection activity of Pollena Jod K preparation and lysol under condition similar to those found in animal premises Karpiński T., Żórawski C,
Skwarek P.
[digitized] 562
Studies on the transfer and residues of 5-vinyl-2 thiooxazolidone (VTO) a natural component of rape seed meals in tissues of slaughter chickens
Madejski Z., Ledwożyw A., Wałkuska G.
[digitized] 565
Zoohygienic evaluation of environment in poultry-house of Gostyń type for Tetra-SL laying hens Dobrzański Z., Gajek J. [digitized] 568