Med. Weter. 37 (3), 129-192, 1981
Morphological appraisal of defects in bull's spermatozoons. I. Pathological lesions of spermatozoons in the light of new studies Blom E. [digitized] 129
Observations on the semen quality and spermatogensis in bulls treated intramuscularly with Tylosin in the form of Tt0o and T50b Romaniukowa K.,
Jaśkowski L., Synowiedzki Z., Hoffmann-Woźniak K. [digitized] 134
Jaśkowski L., Synowiedzki Z., Hoffmann-Woźniak K. [digitized] 134
Synchronization of oestrus in lawland black and white cows by the use of prostaglandin F, a Hoppe R., Wieczorek J. [digitized] 137
An early diagnosis of pregnancy in sows by means of ultrasonics . Pejsak Z., Wierzchoś E. [digitized] 139
Observations on the appearance of alimentary allergy in dogs — hypersensitivity due to milk allergens Pomorski Z. [digitized] 145
A simple method of the determination of ketone compounds and their level in blood of normal cows and cows with subclinical ketosis Filar J.,
Madej E., Dacka S. [digitized] 148
Madej E., Dacka S. [digitized] 148
The level of vitamins E and A in the organ of cows with lymphatic leukaemia Kaszubkiewicz C, Madej J. A., Trąbusiewicz B. [digitized] 151
Embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of etaphone — a chemical regulator of biological processes in plants Minta M., Biernacki B. [digitized] 153
About toxicity of poly chlorinated biphenyls for minks (Mustela vision) Falandysz J. [digitized] 156
Long-lasting effect of noise on daily gains and consumptions of fodder during the period of pig fattening Kluczek J. P. [digitized] 159
Studies of air pollution, state of health, results of fattening and meat quality of fatteninig pigs in an industrialized pig unit Fil uś K. [digitized] 161
Causes, method and purposes of the studies of metabolic profiles in lactating cows in a large scale breeding Latos S., Vercseg J. [digitized] 164
Examinations on the protective effect of vaccine against „lameness" of sheep Cygan Z., Barcz I., Deptuła D., Kozik J. [digitized] 166
Isolation of viruses from cases of bovine keratoconjunctivitis Buczek J., Rokosz B., Wrzołek-Łobocka G. [digitized] 169
Incidence of antibodies against the EDS-76 agent in Polish poultry farms Janowski H., Siemionek J., Puchalski K., Nogajewski R [digitized] 172
Results of further studiem on the efficacy of new preparation „Dynamutilin" for the therapy of swine dysentery Gaździński P. [digitized] 175
Sensitivity to chemotherapeutics pathogenic and relatively pathogenic bacteria from urinary tract of pigs Maciak T. [digitized] 178
Microbiological state of meat mechanically unboned Kołożyn-Krajewska D., Prześlakiewicz H., Wasilewski S. [digitized] 181
Effect of pH on Pseudomonas aeruginosa in milk and in the meat homogenate at different temperatures Kafel S., Szteyn J., Radkowski M. [digitized] 183
Absorbtion and retention of homologous tokoferols in the liver of pigs Gogolewski M., Janitz W., Nogala-Kałucka M., Łuczyński A. [digitized] 186