Med. Weter. 37 (6), 321-384, 1981
Sanitary problems of the application of wastes from poultry breeding in animal nutrition Wachnik Z. [digitized] 321
Discussion of the actual model of diagnostic of brucellosis in Poland . Stryszak A., Królak M. [digitized] 328
About relationship of complement fixation test (CFT) and tube agglutination test (TAT) titres in sera of heifers vaccinated with Si9 and cows with
brucellosis . . Anczykowski F. [digitized] 333
brucellosis . . Anczykowski F. [digitized] 333
Trials of objectiveness of the results of studies on serological diagnosis of brucellosis in pigs Lewkowicz H. [digitized] 337
Adiuvantive action of Propionibacterium acnes in the course of nrrce immunization with the antigen of S. agalactiae Cygan Z., Barcz I. [digitized] 340
Trials of the control of Varroa jacobsoni (Oudemans, 1904) in the honey bee by the use of TCL prepárate .• Romaniuk K., Lipiński Z. [digitized] 342
Occurrence of Paramphistomum sp. in sheep in the Lublin woivodship . . 'Paciejewski S. [digitized] 344
Studies on the efficacy of Systamex against bothryocephalosis in the carp Żelazny J., Prost M. [digitized] 346
A case of drug-related skin lesion of a character of local anaphylaxy developed in pigs as a result of lack of tolerancy to penicillin Pomorski Z.,
Miącz M. [digitized] 347
Miącz M. [digitized] 347
Lysozymuria as an Indie of kidneys damage in the course of some diseases in the dog Girodzki K., Kłopocki T., Lechowski R., Wyrzykowski R. [digitized] 349
Dynamics of changes in the udder of lactating cows in two management systems Krzyżanowski J., Malinowski E., Koziej J., Mazur Z. [digitized] 356
Antibiotic sensitivity of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species isolated from the udders of cows in individual farms in 197!—79
Wawron W. [digitized] 360
Wawron W. [digitized] 360
Clinical course of mastitis in cows infected with Mycoplasma bovigenitalium experimentally Malinowski E., Owczarewicz A., Nowakowski J. [digitized] 362
The influence of pharma¬cological control of parturition on secretion and composition of mammary gland excretion Balbierz H.,
Nikołajczuk M., WłodarczakC, Kuchar L. [digitized] 365
Nikołajczuk M., WłodarczakC, Kuchar L. [digitized] 365
Plasma level of Cortisol and progesterone during embryo collection and transplantation Bielański A., Wierzchoś E., Gajda B. [digitized] 369
Cystic degeneration of ovaries in the course of pyometritis in the dog Króliński J., Pietrzak .T. [digitized] 371
Comparison of quantitative and repressing culture method ;n case of meat samples taken from suspected animals at post mortem
examination .... Maleszewski J., Maciak T. [digitized] 374
examination .... Maleszewski J., Maciak T. [digitized] 374