Med. Weter. 34 (1), 1-64, 1978


Metabolic and breeding aspects of water and feeding restriction in domesticated animals Malinowska A. [digitized] 1
Diagnostic methods of the determination of swine sensitivity to stress Meller Z. [digitized] 5
Polish biological and chemical stimulators of animal's growth Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 7
Evaluation and attempts to im[Drove the hematological diagnosis of bovine leukosis by means of „Blood spots" method Grundboeck M. [digitized] 11
Hyperlipoproteinaemia and atherosclerosis of coronal vessels in pigs Kądziołka A., Gąsior W. [digitized] 15
Analysis of interdependence between polymorphism and activity of alcaline phosphatases in serum and leukocyte in cattle Wa1awski K.,
Głogowska B., Kaczmarczyk E., Kolman G., Kruk Z.
[digitized] 18
Examinations on the toxicity of Diuron, Linuron, Monolinuron and Monuron for the carp fry in the acute test ŁakotaS., Raszka A., Roszkowski J.,
Hlond S., Kozłowski F., Stefan J.
[digitized] 20
Fibrosarcoma malignum in the mammary gland of the mare Mędrek B. [digitized] 23
Combined vaccine against hog cholera and Aujesky disease (chA) and against hog cholera, chA and erysipelas Tereszczuk S., Wasińska B.,
Karpiński S., Wasiński K.
[digitized] 24
Gumboro disease on the basis of the reports presented on the Lis H., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 25
General Session of the International Office of Epizootics in Paris [digitized] 29
Anaerobic enterotoxaemia of sheep due to Clostridium perfringens D Cygan Z., Barcz I., Deptuła D. [digitized] 31
Infection of cattle due to viral diarrhea and mucosal disease virus Baczyński Z., Skulmowska-Kryszkowska D. [digitized] 34
Damage of skin in relation to pre-slaughter procedure Wajda S., Zembrzuska M. E. [digitized] 37
Decontamination of pituitary carcasses with Salmonella typhimurium by the use of chlorine and acetic acid Działoszyńska J., Wojtoń B. [digitized] 41
Estimation of a food usefulness of the Gadus poutassou from the Bal tic shelf Pyszczuk B., Wider a L. [digitized] 43
Semen purity and the efficacy of artificial insemination of cows .... Króliński J. [digitized] 47
Phosphorus level in sera of cows with the retention of placenta ... Garbacik A., Balon M. [digitized] 49
Some cases of metrilis-mastitis-hypogalactia syndrome in cows due to Corynebacterium pyogenes Kozłowski S. [digitized] 50
Teaching of veterinary administration and forensic veterinary in Poland up to 1918 Jakubowski S., Lutyński W. [digitized] .51
Realization of the veterinary orders on rabies control in Opole in XVIII century Skrzypek W. [digitized] 54