Med. Weter. 34 (2), 65-128, 1978


Ethological and clinical examinations of piglets in industrial pig units Grzegorzak A., Dobrzański Z., Kołacz R. [digitized] 65
Examinations of the use of a new antimetabolite of folic acid in the prophyloxis of bacterial infections. I. Observations on the bacteriostatic
effect 2,4-methyl-diamine-6-hydroxypirymidine connected with 2-methyl-l,4-naphtochinone
Owczarczyk B., Mazurczak J. [digitized] 69
The activity of bacteriocins produced by enterococci in food Maleszewski J. [digitized] 73
Chemical indices of the Macrurus berglax meat ... Widera L., Madler J., Zalewski J. [digitized] 75
Physical character of broyler and adult goose meat Pamuła K. [digitized] 78
Cysticercosis in cattle in the Olsztyn province in 1968—1974 . . Czerniak E., Smiechowicz J. [digitized] 80
XXIII European Congress of Food Hygienists Skoczek A. [digitized] 82
Studies on fertility in cows in the environement polluted with certain metals Zwolińska-Bartczak I., Monkiewicz J., Jopek Z. [digitized] 83
Diagnostics of pregnancy in bitches by means of ultrasounds . Sereda J., Kowalczyk S. [digitized] 86
The activity of lysozyme and acid phosphatase in mastitis of cattle Kotz J., Basmadji K., Madej J. A. [digitized] 89
Experimental repeated Mercury intoxication Kossakowski S., Zadura J. [digitized] 92
Resection of intestine in cattle Machaj M., Machaj E. [digitized] 97
Studies on the detection of distemper virus infection in polecat-ferrets by the method of fluorescent antibodies. . . . Samól S., Górski J. [digitized] 98
Attempts to Apple HPN to prophylaxis and treatment of coccidiosis in hens . Mazurczak J, Owczarczyk B, Grabowski J., Mazurkiewicz M. [digitized] 102
About composition and representativity of diagnostic material of Complement Fixation Test Anczykowski F. [digitized] 105
Morphological and biochemical changes in sera of sheep infestated naturally Grzebuła S., et al. [digitized] 110
Regulation and disturbances of water-electrolyte balance in animal organism Malinowska A. [digitized] 114
Cannulaization of pig veins endocrinous examinations Kotwica J., Krzymowski T., Dębek J. [digitized] 118