Med. Weter. 33 (3), 129-192, 1977
Experimental and clinical role of butyrofenon and Rauwolfia neuroleptics Roliński Z. [digitized] 129
The efficiency of decontamination of superficially active compounds in radiated animals Kossakowski S. [digitized] 133
The distribution of diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) in tissues of animals polluted with the labelled preparate ^(DF^P) Lis T.. Mierzejewski J. [digitized] 136
PanacurR (Hoechst) in the treatment of gastro-intestinal helminthiasis Furmaga S., Gundłach J. L., Filar J. [digitized] 137
Application of Vinblastin in the treatment of Sticker's tumors . Wasecki A., Mazur O. [digitized] 142
Calcinosis tumoralis and calcinosis circumscripta in dogs Houszka M., Ratajczak K., Salem H. [digitized] 146
The influence of Selenium on the state of Manganese-54 in healthy broiler chickens and in chickens with an experimental uric diathesis Nowosad R.,
Simoni J. [digitized] 150
Simoni J. [digitized] 150
The level of HI antibodies and the index of leukocyte migration inhibition in chickens after two-stage peroral vaccination against Newcastle Disease
Larski Z., Grabowska G., Spohr de Faundez I. [digitized] 153
Larski Z., Grabowska G., Spohr de Faundez I. [digitized] 153
Laboratory investigations on the diagnostics of pigs dysentery . . Samól S., Sommer E. [digitized] 159
The influence of disturbances of pregnant sows on the haematological indices in piglets Żmudziński J., Radomiński W., Kondracki M. [digitized] 161
Some cases of Schistosoma reflexum in the offsprings of a bull Amon 1752 G/Gd Geringer H., Hibner A. [digitized] 166
The influence of unproper climatic conditions of piggery on the results of pig fattening Fi1uś K., Pałach R. S., Iwańczuk K. [digitized] 168
Some methods for the detection of subclinical mastitis in sheep Bonczar G., Ciuruś H., Sawicka J. [digitized] 170
Studies on the level of Magnese, Calcium and inorganic phosphate in blood of lactàting cows in the Żuławy Wolańczyk-Rutkowiak K. [digitized] 172
The influence of the excess of organic acid in the diet which caused hypomagnesium in ruminants Dziekoński J., Kulczycki J. [digitized] 175
Examinations of the bacteriological status of plastic wrappings used in meat industry Walkowiak E. [digitized] 177
Determination of lead in biological material by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) Żmudziński J. [digitized] 179
A modified method for the determination of Mercury in biological material using atomic absorption spectrophotometry Szprengier T. [digitized] 182