Med. Weter. 33 (7), 385-448, 1977


The influence of the age of cows on the response of myoepithelial cells of the mammary gland following oxytocin injection Ewy Z.,
Barowicz T.
[digitized] 385
The role of Nickel in animals Tyczkowski J., Saba L. [digitized] 388
Some morphotic parameters of blood in cattle in individual farms in the Białystok province Wilczyński M., Zembrzuski M., Potocki R. [digitized] 391
The role of Uranium bearing phosphates in the aetiology of leukaemia Nowosad R. [digitized] 393
The usefulness of rumen content examinations to diagnose of subclinical indigestion in lactating cows Pszczółkowska E. [digitized] 395
Preliminary observations on the application of Trimerazin-Polfa in the treatment of mastitis Graczyk S., Satora J. [digitized] 398
A case of a mass appearance of uric diathesis in chickens Stryczek J. [digitized] 400
Fertility of cows grazed on irrigated pastures extensively dressed with mineral fertilizers Jaśkowski L., Romaniuk J., Branicki T.,
Lachowski A.
[digitized] 402
The influsnce of semen storage in hydrogen atmosphere before freezing on its fertilizing value Łyczyński A., Korzyniewski H. [digitized] 408
The influence of long lasting application of the compounds of Cu and Pb on the rabbit semen Jaczewski S., Dynarowicz I. Monkiewicz J. [digitized] 410
The level of progesterone in milk as an index in pregnancy diagnosis Grega T. [digitized] 413
„Corynebacteria" Propionibacterium — taxonomy, biological properties and their role in pathology Cygan Z., Jastrzębski T, Cygan R. [digitized] 416
The use of PPD sensitins prepared from atypical mycobacteria to explain the cause of non-specific reaction in cattle Żórawski C,
Nowosielski T., Wiśniewski Z.
[digitized] 420
The isolation of vaccinal cow-pox virus from the cases of the udder small-pox of lactating cows Mroczek G, Zieliński S., Malicki K. [digitized] 423
Infection with equine coital-exanthema virus and infectious rhinotracheitis virus Baczyński Z. [digitized] 426
The state of emergency of rabies in the Kraków province and difficulties of its prevention Mach B., Ramisz A., SzańkowskaZ. [digitized] 430
Chemiotherapeutics applied in prophylaxy and control of swine dysentery Mazurczak J., Bielecka J., Lenartowicz - Kubrat Z., Terlecki M. [digitized] 433
Attempts to decrease the piglets rate deaths in a great scale breeding Kotowski K. [digitized] 437
The influence of the udder structure and mechanical milking on the healthy state of mammary gland Basak L. [digitized] 439
The influence of climat conditions of initial post-productional storage on quality and loss of weight of cured pork products Woźna J. [digitized] 441