Med. Weter. 31 (5), 257-320, 1975
The efficacy of surface active substances to decontaminate radioactive pollution of animals Kossakowski S. [digitized] 264
Turbidity test for the determination of the level of gamma-globulins in sera of calves Sobiech E., Russ T., Sawicki T. [digitized] 269
Observations on the influence of hoof cultivation on milk yield in cattle Kłos Z., Maciołek H., Szeligowski E. [digitized] 272
The efficacy of prophyloxy of mastitis by means of drying under cover of antibiotics Romaniukowa K. [digitized] 274
Attempts to determine the reasons of piglet deaths in a large scale breeding Kotowski K. [digitized] 276
Variability in the basic composition of mutton in relation to individual muscles, age and sex of animals, and the quality carcass grade Prost E. [digitized] 280
Review of laboratory methods applied in the diagnosis of swine dysentery Mazurczak J., Terlecki M., Klawe W. [digitized] 283
Relationship between colibacteriosis and diarrhoea in infants Swiderski M., Jędrzejowski A., Lachowicz T., M. [digitized] 286
Agglutination test in chickens infected with Haemophilus gallinarum Różańska M., Karczewski W. [digitized] 288
The incidence of live antigens in the skin of chickens infected with Marek's disease virus Golnik W., Golnik J. [digitized] 292
Examinations of the efficacy of chosen phosphoroorganic insecticides in the treatment of hypodermatosis in cattle Kołacz J. [digitized] 295
Operative removing of the embolus of the colon in case of haernia in a foal Jethon W., Jethon J. [digitized] 299