Med. Weter. 28 (12), 705-768, 1972
Some problems regarding with the fluorescent antibody technique in the diagnosis of hog cholera Samól S. [digitized] 712
Investigations on the properties and antigenic structure of Streptococcus pluton. V. Immunochemical analysis Gliński Z. [digitized] 715
Preliminary observations on the usefulness of the oral vaccine against swine erysipelas Grzęda M. [digitized] 723
Occurrence of hypodermatosis in the Białystok province in 1970 Walkowiak E., Aleksandrowska I., Wityk A., Watychowicz I. [digitized] 725
The case of uterus perforation in a mare due to strong parturition tenesmus Oleksiuk M. [digitized] 730
Investigations on the behaviour of carotins in pasturable plants and vitamine A and carotins in the sera of cattle in the Żuławy region
Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 732
Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 732
The possibility of the application of ion exchange resins produced in Poland to the withdrawal of radioactive contaminations from milk
Poznański S., Kornacki K., Chojnowski W., Jędrychowski L. [digitized] 737
Poznański S., Kornacki K., Chojnowski W., Jędrychowski L. [digitized] 737
The influence of DDT given to food on the balance of some mineral elements in rats Skorkowska-Zieleniewska J., Oszer A. [digitized] 741
Reasons of stud-bulls unfitness in the Kielce province in the years 1966—1970 Flis J., Gronek W., Łutczyk J. [digitized] 743