Med. Weter. 23 (2), 65-128, 1967
A clinical appraisal of the preparation Butapirazol and Rheumopyrin „Polfa" in the treatment of inflammatory states in animals .... Fryc J. [digitized] 73
Further investigations on the combatting of hypodermatosisin cattle with the phosphororganic insecticide Z-50 Patyk S. [digitized] 78
An appraisal of the suitability of the allergic and serological methods in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in cats and dogs Nowacki J. [digitized] 80
Determining the sensitivity of strains of Bacillus of White's larvae to the action of certain antibiotics and their use in the prevention and treatement
of american foulbrood Furowicz A., Zahaczewska M. [digitized] 81
of american foulbrood Furowicz A., Zahaczewska M. [digitized] 81
Cases of Rubarth's disease in dogs in the Cracow province Szańkowska Z., Ramisz A., Jaworski K., Kluk C; [digitized] 83
The level of agglutinin in the blood of calves immunized by aerosol against salmonellosis Chajkowski M. [digitized] 86
The effect of Tiguvon (Bayer) on the activity of cholinesterase and acetylcholinesterase in mice experimentally infected with trichinosis . . . Ramisz A.,
Lamina J., Schoop G. [digitized] 88
Lamina J., Schoop G. [digitized] 88
Investigations on the etiology of necrotic changes in the liver of slaughtered gesse Bojarski J., Prost E. [digitized] 90
A sanitary appraisal of the method of determining the specific weight of pig half-carcasses by weighing them in water Zaleski S., Wajda A. [digitized] 93
The effect of giving large quantities of silage on certain biochemical and productive indices in young fattened cattle Preś J., Króliczek A.,
Kwiatkowski T. [digitized] 100
Kwiatkowski T. [digitized] 100
The metabolism of proteins in the blood of chickens. I. The physiological bases of feathering, the effect of the thyroid and iodine on its course
and the role of proteins and aminoacids in chicknes Kraczkowski H. [digitized] 110
and the role of proteins and aminoacids in chicknes Kraczkowski H. [digitized] 110