Med. Weter. 23 (4), 193-256, 1967


The Veterinary College in Alfort (in connection with the 200 and anniversary of fundation) Millak K. [digitized] 193
Review of achievements in veterinary parasitology 1962 -1966 Fur maga S. [digitized] 196
The Trematodes of domestic animals, their occurrence and treatment Diiwel D. [digitized] 199
Investigations on the use of organic esters " of phosphoric acid in combatting external parasites of farmed fish. III. Combatting an invasion
of amoeba of the genus Chilodonella, Ichthryophthirius and Trichodina
Prost M., Studnicka M. [digitized] 201
Investigations on the effect of solgangal B with vitamin A on the numbers of larvae of Trichinella spiralis (Owen 1835) Czerpak R.,
Dzięgielewska J.
[digitized] 204
„Amprolium" a coccidiostatic drug for chickens Marek K., Raszewska H., Karczewski W., Cąkała A., Szmulik J. [digitized] 206
Eimeria (Globidium) fulva (Seidel 1954) — coccidia of nutria Scheuring W. [digitized] 209
Determination of the level of proteins, agglutinin and the protective values of normal pig sera Chwalibóg J. [digitized] 210
The diagnostic value of diluted tuberculin PPD from mammals in the recognition of bovine tuberculosis Łosieczka K. [digitized] 213
Relapses with tetanus in the horse and methods of combatting them Hanasiewicz W. [digitized] 217
On the problem of. cattle ieukaemia Rohrer H. [digitized] 218
Invetigations on the application of non-emulseo vegetable oils outside the intestines Badura R., Buczek A.. Kotz J., Utzig J. [digitized] 221
Adenopapilloma enzooticum of the nasal cavity in sheep Rubaj B., Wołoszyn S. [digitized] 226
The casuistics of copper poisoning Mikołajczak-Bożiłow B., Bohosiewicz M.. Dembiński Z. [digitized] 229
Calcium gout in a lion-pup Malicka E., Landowska-Płażewska E. [digitized] 231
The persistence of pathogenic bacteria in ensilage from slaughter — house side -products. II. The virus of foot-and-mouth disease Prost E.,
Bojarski J.
[digitized] 233
The use of a thermistor thermometer in the investigation of cattle before slaugter .... Ogie1ski L., Adamczyk E. [digitized] 234
A quick method in the colorimetric determination of glycogen in muscle tissue Szulc M. [digitized] 236
A common line for slaughtering cattle and pigs . Gracz J. [digitized] 238
The effect of using presed under-brush (in the fattening of pigs) on incidence of influenza Nozdryn-Plotnicki J. [digitized] 241
Preliminary observations on rearing birds (Coturnix cot. Japonica) under laboratory conditions Kraszewska-Domańska B., Knothe M.,
Niespodziewański M.
[digitized] 244
Some changes in chicks caused by intramuscular iniections of blood of turkey cocks Faruga A. [digitized] 247
Fructose as one of the ingredients of the dilutant of bull semen Marczewski H. [digitized] 249
An attempt to use mica detectors in biological investigations Decowski M., Decowski P. [digitized] 250