Med. Weter. 21 (10), 577-640, 1965
Present views on certain biological properties and the taxonomy of Enterobacteriaceae Furowicz A. [digitized] 577
The results of serological investigations of dogs in Poland for Rubarth's disease Jastrzębski T., Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 581
Serotypes of leptospirosis bacteria isolated from cases of coli-bacteriosis and swine fever in Poland . . Truszczyński M., Ciosek D.,
Tereszczuk S. [digitized] 584
Tereszczuk S. [digitized] 584
The biological properties of Polish strains of Pasteurella multocida and their suitability for the production of biopreparations Tereszczuk S. [digitized] 589
Influence of diseases of mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) on cocoon yield in Poland Golański K. [digitized] 592
Investigations on the health of cattle grazed on a pasture drained by sewage waters. III. The level of Na, K and Ca in the serum of heifers
Wachnik Z. [digitized] 597
Wachnik Z. [digitized] 597
The physiology of rumens and problems of feeding in ruminants — the decomposition of nutritional substances in the rumen Pytasz M. [digitized] 599
Investigations on simultaneous Vibrio fetus and Trichomonas bovis infection in heifers Hoppe R. [digitized] 607
The role of the submontecule-hypothalamus system in the regulation of the sexual cycle of the female Mazurczak S. [digitized] 610
Experimental investigations on supplying a partially-removed kidney with pedunculated lobe of omentum and a haemostatic sponge Michalski Z.,
Osiński B. [digitized] 618
Osiński B. [digitized] 618
The use of thin-layer chromatography in the identi¬fication of amino-acides. I. The determination of free amino-aeids of blood plasma'
Kraczkowski H [digitized] 624
Kraczkowski H [digitized] 624