Med. Weter. 20 (10), 577-640, 1964
Serological examination of farm foxes for brucellosis . . Górski J., Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 585
Investigations on the modified IW .anti-foot-and-mouth disease vaccine Kobusiewicz T., Szkilnik S. [digitized] 589
The intensity and extent of an invasion of Cysticercus pisiformis and Fasciola hepatica in a hare (Lepus europaeus) Tropiło J. [digitized] 592
Resistance to tuberculosis in pigs based on a genetic factor Gedymin J., A1exandrowicz S., Folejewski W., Ratajszezak M. [digitized] 594
Enzootia of white diarrhoea in chicks resistant to treatment with biofurasolidon Misztal T. [digitized] 597
The use of tube-shaped knives for the bleeding of slaughter animals Pezacki W., Fischer W., Bosak J. [digitized] 598
Estimation of the degree of bloodletting in meat by determining the number of erythrocytes in meat juice . Szulc M. [digitized] 600
Observations on the fattening of geese in fatte¬ning stations and CZPJD poultry slaughter-houses in the Białystok province . Drzewińska B.,
Wilczyński M. [digitized] 605
Wilczyński M. [digitized] 605
Determination of the concentration of dimethoxypirymidine (Madiroxin-Poilfa) in the blood of calves Roliński Z., Fidecka H [digitized] 614
An appraisal of the method of closing the peritoneal cavity by cutting the masseter Badura R., Kamiński A., Lachowicz S. [digitized] 618
Clinical observations on the use of Thiopental „Spofa" in the anaesthesis of dogs Komar E. [digitized] 621
Carcinoma of the frog of the hoof in a horse, treated by operation on the hoof and the peripheral administration of penicillin and streptomycin
Osyczka W. [digitized] 622
Osyczka W. [digitized] 622
A rare case of purulent inflammation of the laryngeal sacs in an orang-outang Gucwiński A., Michalska Z. [digitized] 624