Med. Weter. 20 (11), 641-704, 1964
The possibilities of combatting cattle brucellosis in the light of scientific views and the regulations obtaining in Poland . Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 641
Aujeszky disease in pigs in industrial fattening stations in the province of Zielona Góra Chwalibóg J., Osyczko W., Bartosz B. [digitized] 649
Investigations on the toxity to swine of the weed—killing preparation „Pielik" Strach S., Bohosiewicz M. [digitized] 662
Theoretical bases of methods of clinical investigation of blood serum proteins (refractometry, electrophoresis) Nagórski F. [digitized] 666
Enterococci and their significance from the viewpoint of the hygiene of animal food products Kafel S., Ayres J. C [digitized] 668
The activity of L—leucylo-amino-peptidase (LAP) in the blood of healthy cattle, with a consideration of certain haematological examinations
Malinowska A. [digitized] 673
Malinowska A. [digitized] 673
Colorimetric determination of the content of free and total cholesterol in milk Rotenberg S., Baranow-Baranowski S. [digitized] 676
The use of a modified reversed microscope in the observation of I cellcultures Larski Z. [digitized] 678