Med. Weter. 8 (6), 241-288, 1952


Veterinary science and practice condemn attemps to use bacteriological weapon [digitized] 241
On the tentative classification of pathogenic viruses . Parnas J. [digitized] 242
Investigations on the use of antybiotics in agriculture Smyk B. [digitized] 245
Histophysiological investigations on vitamin C Wawrzyniak M. [digitized] 249
Post-mortem findings and their diagnostic value in pestis suum Los in ski T. [digitized] 251
Investigations on diseases of young pigs, foals and lambs in the State Agricultural Farms Parnas J., Dabrowski T., Stepkowski S.,
Lorkiewicz Z. & col.
[digitized] 256
The influence of penicillin on the infection of hens with the virus of ..Newcastle disease" Michalewicz J. [digitized] 260
Investigations on the influence of the colour on the absorption of the sun radiation Cena M., Czyszek W. & Slomka J. [digitized] 261
Meat-ripening in the light of recent scientific opinions Trawińska J. [digitized] 264
Cosiderations on assumptions concerning the building of a sanitary slaughter-house Osinski J. [digitized] 265
Biological basis of tissue therapy Juszkiewicz T. & Staśkiewicz G. [digitized] 267