Med. Weter. 54 (1), 1-72, 1998


Apoptosis - programmed death of the cell Madej J. A. [digitized] 4
Apoptosis - known and unknown problems Deptuła W., Wilczacka D. [digitized] 9
Importance of apoptosis in viral infections Reichert M., Stec J. [digitized] 15
Birds as a potential source of Salmonella infections in people RzedzickiJ., Pawelec M. [digitized] 19
Chloramphenicol and its therapeutical use in animals Kania B. F. [digitized] 22
Molecular basis of increased stress susceptibility of pigs Gronek P., Słomski R., Kwiatkowska J. [digitized] 29
Drug resistance in Salmonella strains isolated from animals and their feeds in Poland during 1994-1998 Hoszowski A., Wasyl D.,
Truszczyński M.
[digitized] 33
Drug sensitivity of bacteria isolated from pathologically changed lungs of pigs Pejsak Z., Tarasiuk K, Molenda J. [digitized] 38
Applicability of bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of respiratory system diseases in dogs Nicpoń J., Kubiak K. [digitized] 43
Efficacy of Ivomec against helminths in red deer and fallow deer Malczewski A., Drożdż J., Demiaszkiewicz A. W., Lachowicz J.,
Dmuchowski B.
[digitized] 46
Development and prevalence of gastro-intestinal larvae of sheep in the Lublin region Paciejewski S. [digitized] 49
The level of fatty acids in the livers of cattle infected with Fasciola hepatica (L.) Michalski M. M. [digitized] 54
Antibodies of Mycoplasma agalactiae in the blood plasma and milk of ewes Majewski T., Fiolka M., Piedra-Valverde J. L., Tietze M.,
Mukezamfura P.
[digitized] 58
*Influence of the Uterotonic-Polfa preparate on MMA syndrome occurrence and the fertility of sows Wawron W., Gardzinski G. [digitized] 61