Med. Weter. 52 (8), 477-540, 1996


Bovine spongiform encephalopathy - new facts and hypotheses Larski Z . [digitized] 479
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy - meeting at the Polish Academy of Sciences Truszczyński M. [digitized] 483
Digestion and food allergy in animals Barej W. [digitized] 485
Aujeszky's disease - known and unknown facts Lipowski A., Pejsak Z. [digitized] 490
Prevalence and mechanisms of drug resistance of trematodes and nematodes in phytophagous animals Wędrychowicz H. [digitized] 494
Diagnostics of BVD-MD infection in cattle Polak M.P., Żmudziński J. F. [digitized] 498
The role of polydnaviruses in the suppression of insect immune defense Gliński Z., Jarosz J. [digitized] 502
Hormonal mechanisms of the luteal body disturbances in cattle Skarżyński D., Bogacki M., Starostka B., Miszkiel G., Kotwica J. [digitized] 506
Selected blood serum biochemical parameters in piglets from sows infected with Lelystad virus Gajęcki M., Pirus K., Popko J., Baranowski M., Skorska-Wyszyńs k a E. [digitized] 510
An ELISA - kit for the examination of swine sera for brucellosis Szulowski K., Pilaszek J., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 513
Occurence of antibodies against Toxocara canis in the sera of humans Gundlach J. L., Sadzikowski A. B., Tomczuk K. [digitized] 516
Efficacy of vaccines in the control of dermatophytes of rabbits Woloszyn S., Andrychiewicz J., Kostro K., Winiarczyk S., Grądzki Z. [digitized] 518
Collection, splitting and transfer of equine embryos Tischner M., Tischner M. [digitized] 521
Iron, copper and manganese content in the liver and kidneys of foxes Kopczewski A., Kopczewska T. [digitized] 524
Resistance of the honey bee parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni to varroacid préparâtes containing tau-fluvalinate Londzin W., Śledziński B. [digitized] 526
Metabolic activity of neutrophilic granulocytes in normal carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) Stosik M . [digitized] 529