Med. Weter. 50 (1), 1-48, 1994


Reasonable and emotional motives in animal protection Maciejowski J. [digitized] 4
Some recent data concerning microbiology and infectious diseases Larski Z. [digitized] 8
Occurrence of infectious diseases in animals in the world from May 1992 to May 1993 Truszczyński M., Maleszewski J. [digitized] 13
Construction of a biotinylated probe of Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) Lipowski A., Kochan G., P ejsak Z., Szewczyk B. [digitized] 14
Diagnostic values of two antigens in the immunodiffusion test containing only bovine leukaemia (BLV) and comprising BLV plus parainfluenza virus (PI3) Rułka J., Koziiczyńska B., Reichert M., Buzała E. [digitized] 18
Etiopathogenesis of osteochondriosis in horses Wiśniewski E., Danek J. [digitized] 20
Heavy metals contamination of grass growing at the road edges Jarosz W. [digitized] 23
Qualitative deviations in egg raw material caused by the mycotoxin contaminated fodder and by the use coccidiostatics and antibiotics Trziszka T. [digitized] 26
Invasion of intestinal round-worms in broilers and hens Kuczyńska E., Ziomko I., Cencek T. [digitized] 30
Analgesia in old dogs and cats Walla L. [digitized] 32
The usefulness of endoscopy in stomach and intestine diseases in dogs and cats . . Münster M. [digitized] 34
A new method of a longterm cannulation of the pancreas in swines Winnicki T. [digitized] 37
The administration of Acid-Pack-4-Way in the nutrion of young pigs Wandurski A. [digitized] 40