Med. Weter. 50 (11), 523-582, 1994
Hormonal neutralization or surgical castration of bitches and female cats? Joch1e W. [digitized] 537
Clinical influence of cholecystokinin and its antagonists on the organism . Kania B. F. [digitized] 541
Salmonella sp. occurrence on farms of fur-bearing carnivorous animals Sławoń J., Saba L., Bis-Wencel H., Wencel C. [digitized] 545
Protective immunity of two-component auto vaccine Dipervac against anaerobic calf diarrhea Cygan Z., Buczek J. [digitized] 548
Effect of propranolol hydrochloride and cimetidine on uterus mobility in cows with the retention of fetal membranes Dejneka G. J. [digitized] 551
Effect of the first estrus after transport and of the next spontaneous estrus on the reproductive performance of gilts introduced into a breeding herd Łyczyński A., Kolat K. [digitized] 553
Infestation of Felin ponies, Arab-Konik horses and Polish-Konik horses in different environments and seasons Sasimowski E., Pietrzak S., Gundlach J. L., Sadzikowski A. B. [digitized] 555
Studies on the pathomechanism of lathyrism as a result of spontaneous cracking of the arteries in turkeys Madej J. A., Gaweł A., Kuryszko J., Mazurkiewicz M. [digitized] 558
Usefulness of Rambach's agar for Salmonella sp. isolation and their identification Hoszowski A., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 561
Effect of electrolyte fluid therapy on the correction of metalic disorders during experimental diarrhea in calves Albrycht A., Bieniek K., Cąkała S., Kondracki M., Bik D. [digitized] 563
Experimental investigations on the influence of the contrast medium Iopamiro 300 mixed with vegetal mucus on the nasolacrimal system and external eye tissues Rubaj B., Koper S., Wolski T., Toczołowski J., Wolski J., Langwińska-Wośko E. [digitized] 566